I'm Here

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Vai via Will, non sono in vena- Go away Will, I'm not in the mood. 

Mi dispiace Nico, ma almeno dimmi cosa c'è che non va - I'm sorry Nico, but at least tell me what's wrong.

I am using google translate for this, but a little bit of my knowledge from school. I just wanted to include a lil' Italian Solangelo. 



Nico was upset with me. I tried to talk to him, but he would always go quiet and look away, sometimes walking away altogether. It had been a week since he woke up with the pink pyjamas on and Nico doesn't hold grudges on something like that. Was it something that I said? I can't remember if I said something, maybe he was offended? 

Either way, I couldn't go another day without Nico talking to me. 

"Nico!" I stopped him on the way to the kitchen. He sighed and leant on the railing to the stairs. "Nico, please talk to me."

"Vai via Will, non sono in vena," Nico grumbled. I sucked in a breath. Nico only lapsed into Italian when he was really upset. 

"Mi dispiace Nico, ma almeno dimmi cosa c'è che non va." I said. Italian was the language of music, it was a good thing too, because I liked to understand Nico when he was upset. Then I could laugh when he talked and mumbled about how the others annoyed him. Sometimes he would start cursing in Italian under his breath during a battle. My favourite thing about him being Italian was his slight accent. It caused him to pronounce my name 'Weel' when he wasn't concentrating hard enough on the vowels.

"Nothing," He said in English. He tried to push past me but I placed my hands firmly on his shoulders, causing him to face me. 

"No, you haven't been talking to me." I told him. Harry and Ron came down the stairs for breakfast at that point, sliding past us on the small staircase. Nico looked uncomfortable. "Let's go outside." I suggested and pulled him out without waiting for an answer. A slight breeze rustled the long grass in the yard and Nico's hair as I turned to face him when we were a certain distance from the door. 

"Will," Nico complained, stretching out the 'e' sound. "I want to go back inside."

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." I crossed my arms and pouted. The corners of his mouth twitched. 

"I'm not upset with you." 

"Good," I relaxed my shoulders. "But can you tell me what you're upset about? I am your boyfriend, I deserve to know." He mumbled something under his breath. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I don't like being back here." He said slightly louder. I furrowed my eyebrows, he hadn't said anything about it before. 


"Because it reminds me of how I couldn't-" He paused, taking in a shaky breath and looking at the ground. "It reminds me of how I couldn't save Sirius." My face softened in realisation. 

"Oh, Neeks." I put my hand on his shoulder and he flinched, not expecting the physical contact. "Nico, I know how it feels. I can't save every patient that comes into the infirmary." I said sadly, remembering the campers who died in the wars because I was too busy fighting or I was just unable to get to the infirmary in time. 

"But it's more than that!" Nico cried and looked up at me, his eyes wet. "It reminds me of how I couldn't bring Bianca back! She's gone, and I thought that maybe I could spare Harry the pain that I went through but I wasn't able too!" I pulled him in and he sobbed into my chest. I rubbed his head with my thumb. His hair was so soft! He leant back and looked up at me. 

"It's going to be alright Nico, Harry's not alone in this and neither are you." I said softly. Nico smiled for the first time in days. Then he saw something behind me and tried to push me out of the way but I lost my balance and I fell backwards, dragging Nico down with me. Four owls flew over us and straight into the open window of the kitchen. 

"S-Sorry," Nico stammered and tried to get up, but I held him down and brought my face up to his. I closed the distance between us quickly. His lips were soft. Nico melted into the kiss. We pulled apart after a few seconds and I smiled. 

"You're so adorable," I smirked. Nico blushed and pushed himself off of me. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. 

"Hey lovebirds!" Percy called from the window. "Our O.W.L.S are here!" 

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