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"Where's Percy?" I asked at breakfast. Will looked up and down the table before shrugging.

"No clue."

"Weird. Usually he wakes up in time for breakfast." I settled down for the pancakes. I was slightly concerned for Percy because who knows what he could get himself into. But maybe it was a good thing that he was sleeping in. The owls flew in as Harry sat down. He had slight bags under his eyes, but the first thing he did wasn't slam his head onto the table in exhaustion like I thought he would.

"Where's Percy?" He asked desperately.

"No clue," Will repeated. "Annabeth just asked."

"I need to speak to him --- what in the name of all that is holy... Is that from Hawaii?" All of our attention was now on the previously closed package that had arrived for Nico. He had opened it to find a very bright, red Hawaiian t-shirt. Nico was holding it up to see and Jason was snickering into his pumpkin juice.

"The tag says that it's a late Christmas present from someone named Reyna?" Nico tilted his head in confusion. "I don't know anyone-" His eyes widened in realisation as he looked down at the floral shirt. "Oh." Then, with no explanation, he walked out.

"Alright." Harry shook it off. "Now where the bloody hell is Percy?"

"He's probably sleeping," Piper suggested. "Leave him be. Talk to him in class."

"Or you could talk to us about it," I said. "What's wrong?"

"Well," Harry looked away nervously. "It's about the prophecy — oh, hello Hedwig." His white owl had landed gracefully in front of him, leg outstretched. There was a letter attached, which Harry read quickly. "I have to go." He said and stood up, hurrying out.

"What was that all about?" Jason asked as we watched him leave.

"I don't know," I said. Hermione jogged in a moment later and took the empty spot next to me.

"Where's Ron? And Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know where Ron is. You just missed Harry, and before you ask, no one knows where Percy is," Will explained.

"Okay then."


So apparently Ron was in the hospital wing because he was poisoned the night before. I found out in Defence Against the Dark Arts when I over heard Lavender crying over "Won-Won". That must have been why Harry looked so tired this morning. He was probably taking care of Ron or something. I wanted to talk to him about what happened, but his mind seemed to be on something else at the moment. We hadn't seen him until fourth period and he told us that he had been with Dumbledore all day. 

Nico had spent the day with the mysterious floral shirt under his robes, glaring at anyone who raised an eyebrow. Hermione seemed to know what the shirt meant but wouldn't say. She just snickered if anyone asked. Nico seemed pretty defensive over it. 

On the other hand, I hadn't seen Percy all day. Jason said that when he went to grab his books after lunch, Percy was still asleep and wouldn't wake up. He must have taken the potion, meaning that he needed to sleep for seven hours at least before he could wake up. Which meant that, depending on what time he took it, he should have woken up at eight. I realised pretty quickly, with a sigh, that Percy must have accidentally taken two drops - which meant that we weren't going to see him until after four. I knew we should have used a different method of extracting a drop - although I can't think of anything easier than a pipet.

After classes, I spent the afternoon in the common room on the floor with Piper and Hermione.

"So... what kind of design are you thinking?" Piper asked, chin in her hands. She was lying on her stomach, parchment lying in front of her. Discarded homework littered the carpet as we talked about the plans for my wedding.

"I was definitely thinking of a Greek style, with an off-the-shoulder kind of look. It's obviously going to be white - I could never picture myself in anything other than a white dress on my wedding day," I answered. As I spoke, Piper drew a dress onto the parchment.

"Something like this?" She held up the drawing. The top of the dress was just how I'd envisioned - strapped, with another set of sleeves falling off the shoulder. It would fit my shape perfectly around the chest, in the classic Greek wedding dress style.

"Exactly. Except the train would be slightly longer and so would the actual dress - hang on." I took the parchment and ink and made the adjustments. The front part of the dress fell to just past my knees and the rest will trail behind me with the train. I want to feel like a princess when I marry my prince.

"Something more like this," I showed the girls. Hermione nodded.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so excited," She giggled.

"So am I," Piper grinned and took the parchment. "I'll send this to my mum. She can probably make something work."

"Thank you so much Pipes," I couldn't suppress my smile. I was incredibly excited to plan my wedding. It was as if it finalised that the event was actually going to happen - as if the ring on my finger wasn't proof enough. 

"Am I still sleeping? Because you are my dream girl," Percy's voice said as he hugged my shoulders from behind. I ignored the blush dusting my cheeks and the giggles from my friends as I turned to face my fiancé.

"Have you been sleeping all day?"

"Yep. I've never felt better. That stuff really works."

"It'll work better when you only take one drop," I pointed out.

"Well. Okay. But it was one in the morning and the stupid pipet didn't cooperate," Percy shrugged.

"Okay," I smiled and kissed his cheek. "We're just discussing the wedding. Any particular locations that you had in mind? At camp, I mean."

"The lake where we had our second kiss," Percy replied. Hermione looked like she was about to combust.

"I like it."

"Where's Harry and Ron?" Percy asked, looking around the room.

"Ron's in a coma and... actually I don't know where Harry went," I replied.

"Say that again?"

"Ron's in a coma-"

"And we're just hanging around? Hermione, have you gone to see him?"

"No. And I don't really want to," Hermione said bluntly. Percy grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

"We're going anyway." With that, Percy dragged Hermione out of the common room. I took one look at Piper before we followed them.


The hospital wing was relatively empty when we arrived, except for Lavender who was sitting by Ron's bed.

"What are you doing here?" She snapped at Hermione. The latter looked down in shame and embarrassment.

"Seeing how our friend is doing. Got a problem with that?" Percy asked. Lavender looked away quickly. 

"He only wants to see me - his girlfriend." Lavender looked at Ron with lovey-dovey eyes. There was a little bit of vomit in my mouth. Then, to all our surprise, Ron started mumbling. Lavender jumped up and grabbed his hand. "Don't worry, Won-Won. I'm here."

"Mi. Nee." Ron mumbled. "Her. Mi. Nee." His mouth was hardly moving, but it was incredibly obvious what he was saying. Lavender dropped his hand as if it had burned her and glared at Hermione, who looked like she had just been giving an award for hardest worker. Her chest swelled and she made her way over to Ron's bed. Smirking slightly at Lavender, she took Ron's other hand and sat on the bed. 

Lavender made a small, angry squeak and ran out. I took Percy's arm. 

"Let's go," I whispered. He nodded and Piper followed us out, leaving the two love birds alone.



So, guys. Fantastic Beasts. SO good. 10/10 recommend. It's SO SO good. 

Also, I made an instagram account where I'll be posting things like quotes, covers, stuff to do with the books that I'm writing. Harry Potter/Percy Jackson and otherwise ;). The account is @pearjam111. Do what you will with this information. 

The Half-Blood Princes {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now