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This one's sad, warning you now. 

Sorry. All my readers, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, my evil author's mind was like "you know what we should do next, THIS." And I am a horrible person. 

Please stay to the end. 

Alrighty, here we go...



I had finally finished coming up with the team. It had been three days since I had spoken to Sirius, and he was right. I need to continue on without him.

"The team is as follows," I said in the common room to whoever had tried out. There was a large crowd around the group, curious as to who was representing us in the next game (which was almost two months away) "The chasers are: Ginny Weasley, Katie Bell and Demelza Robins." The three girls cheered and joined me at the front. "The beaters are: Ritchie Coote and Jason Grace." Jason grinned and joined the dark haired boy behind me. "And finally, the keeper is Ron Weasley." The crowd cheered at the new team, although some looked disappointed because either their friend hadn't made the team, or they hadn't. I turned to my new team.

"Training starts tomorrow after class, meet me in the field. I've booked it until dinner, so be quick." I told them. They nodded and dispersed. Jason came over to me.

"I didn't try out for beater." He said. His head was still bandaged but he was walking around a lot better, not rocking back and forth from the concussion.

"Yeah, but you literally hit the bludger to the river. I need someone with a good arm as a beater, ready to hit the bludger towards the other team. Although," I said, "Don't try to kill anyone."

Jason laughed. "I'll make sure I don't. Thanks, Harry."


The team was improving with every session. I made sure to book the field every afternoon after class, and I think the team benefitted from the training. Jason was getting better at controlling how hard he hits the bludger. Ron was getting better at defending the goals, but the only thing he needed to work on was his confidence. Every time he doubted himself, my hand went to my pocket where I kept the Liquid Luck I had gotten from the first potions lesson. I haven't used it yet, but I think I know what I need to do to boost his confidence for the game.

After about a week of practise, I let the team go early from the session. They deserved a break because they were excelling at an excellent rate. The team left, but as Jason and I were making our way back to the castle (Ron left ahead of us to finish an essay due tomorrow so Jason had stayed back to help me pack up) we noticed Will and Nico talking in the courtyard. The sun was setting and the sky was fading to twilight, so I was a little curious as to why they were outside so late. Jason and I walked closer for a better look and hid behind the wall, just close enough to hear what was going on.



I guess I had finally had enough. A couple of days was enough for Nico to get over whatever Draco had wanted from him, but more than a week was too much time. He was different, and it hurt that he wasn't talking to me. He had even yelled at me for trying to hug him this morning. 

"Nico!" I called and ran to catch up with him. He was on his way back from watching Jason practise, and I caught him in the courtyard. "Nico, can we talk?"

"What's up, Solace?" He asked. It sounded so casual. 

"I just want to know what's going on." I begged. "Please, talk to me."

The Half-Blood Princes {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now