Slughorn pt 2

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"What?" I asked, completely confused as to why no one was speaking and why they were staring at Annabeth. The wizards looked just as confused, Harry and Ron were looking at the demigods who were gaping at the apple. Nico looked like he was stifling a laugh, Piper had a hand on her mouth and Hermione was practically jumping up and down. I looked back at Annabeth and saw her staring at the apple with wide eyes.

"I-I didn't expect you to be so, upfront about it." Annabeth said, still gaping at the apple. "I thought that maybe there would be a ring, we'd be on the beach, you know, that sort of thing."

"Who cares Annabeth! You caught it!" Piper squealed. Annabeth started laughing.

"I guess I did!" Annabeth dropped the plate with the forgotten cake and leapt into my arms.

"I am, so confused." I said, hugging her.

"You really are a seaweed brain, aren't you?"

"Why'd everyone go quiet?" Harry asked.

"Because, Harry," Hermione explained, "In Ancient Greece throwing an apple at a woman was considered a declaration of love, and if they caught it they were accepting the proposal."

"What?!" Multiple voices, including my own, exclaimed.

"Percy and Annabeth are engaged!" Hazel giggled. I snapped back to Annabeth who was still in my arms.

"I-I d-didn't-"

"I know you didn't know, but that doesn't matter, does it?" Annabeth asked. "It was bound to happen sometime."


"Just accept it seaweed brain. We are greek after all," She said. "Aphrodite wouldn't like it if we denied her tradition." She whispered in my ear.

"I can get you a ring, if you want." I grinned. She giggled and pecked my cheek.

"That would be nice." I pressed my lips on hers and she leant in, standing on her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around my neck. I could hear demigods cheering.

It was finally happening.

Wise Girl was going to be mine forever.

And I was going to be hers.


The final week of holidays passed quickly. Soon enough, it was time for us to catch the train to Hogwarts. A couple of days earlier, the Weasley's, Hermione, and Harry had gone into Diagon Alley to buy the things they needed, but we didn't bother. Hecate had provided us with the school supplies and we wanted to explore twentieth century London. It wasn't that special, just some shops and stuff. Still, it was nice to look around the past.

Going to Kings Cross was different to say the least. The ministry provided us with cars that took us to the station, and there were two ministry workers who assisted us in getting to 9 and 3/4.

"I can walk on my own," Harry shrugged the man off and walked through the border to get to the station. I followed quickly behind him, and everyone else came next. Harry was waiting on the platform pulled Mr Weasley aside. I heard parts of their conversation like 'Draco', 'death eater', and 'Voldemort'. Typical Harry, always assuming that people are death eaters. I got onto the train after a quick goodbye from Mrs Weasley. Hermione and Ron made their way to the front of the train because that's where the prefects went. Harry led us to a compartment where Neville and Luna joined us.

"I hate the stares," Harry complained as another group of students filed past, goggling at him.

"Everyone thinks your the chosen one," Neville said, playing with his toad. "So you're bound to get looks of admiration. After all, you did fight You-Know-Who."

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