lost in myself - 1

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~Jia POV~

I️ stood atop the bridge, and stared at the horizon that was barley visible in the dark. I️ could hear the black waves slapping against the shore. The rain was pounding against my body relentlessly, so hard that it threatened to push me over.

But I️ didn't really care.

The loneliness and  grief that consumed me was much harder to endure.

I️ couldn't escape it. It pressed in all around me, slowly ripping me apart.

I️ felt it in every. Single. Breath.

For months I️ lived like this, trying to forget, trying to be me again. But, as I️ gazed at the water, I️ wished for nothing other then it's cold embrace. I️ wished to be free from my own aching heart.

Free. The word clanged through my head.
Memories flashed through my mind. Both good and bad. As if my mind and my heart were trying to remind me of the happy things in my life.

I️ toke a step forward, toward that fateful edge, because my happy memories meant nothing. My pain had concealed the laughter, the love from all those memories. I️ realized then that it had even destroyed the past, my past. The grief had poisoned all aspects of my life.

But the memories still came anyway, flooding my very soul. Until I️ cried, I️ sobbed because of the people in those memories. The people who had left me or hurt me. Some on purpose, some not. The tears slid down my face, mixing with the rain still falling from above. I️ could see lights in the distance, but I️ ignored them.
And as I️ stood on that bridge, I️ decided that there was no longer any reason stay. There was no left who knew me, no one who knew my name. Not anymore. I toke a another step forward.

I️ toke one last deep breath, my last breath.

And jumped.

~End of Chapter 1~

Thank you for anyone who read this story! Don't worry, the next chapters will be much longer. I'm sorry for any grammar errors! Please comment if you find any.

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