ignorance - 14

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~One Week Later~
~Jia POV~

Me and Taehyung hadn't talked for week. I don't why I hadn't texted him. I hadn't even been mad at him in the first place. I just couldn't bring myself to pick up my phone. I missed him.

It hadn't helped that I needed to focus on my studies and I could barely pay attention. I flopped onto my bed and groaned. I still hadn't heard from BigHit Entertainment about whether or not I got the job.

I studied and worked for the next few hours, and jumped when my phone started ringing. Was it Taehyung? Had he finally called? I wanted to smack myself when I saw the caller ID. BigHit. Why had my first thought been my boyfriend?

I answered the phone anyway.

"Hello?" I said, trying to sound confident even with my nerves.

"This is Jia, correct?" The voice on the other end said. It was female.

"Yes, that's me." I had to hold the phone with both hands so I could keep it from shaking.

"Wonderful. I have great news for you, you're hired! We will email you the rest of the information you need." I stopped myself from sighing in relief.

"Thank you so much! I've haven't been able to sleep not knowing."

"Yes, sorry it toke so long. We decided to hire you weeks ago but we made our employees keep it a secret because there were other things we had to work out. We appreciate your patience." I blinked in surprise. All employees?

"Wait, your employees knew I got the job?" I felt a little unprofessional asking the question, but my curiosity got the best of me.

"Yes, they did. I know you know some of them personally. Don't hold this against them, they were told to stay quiet. I have to go now, dear. Take care!"

Even after the woman hung up, I still held the phone against my ear. I was stunned. No wonder Taehyung wasn't worried about the job, and just trying to calm my nerves. It all made sense now. How could I have been so ignorant?

I quickly gathered myself and practically ran out of my apartment. I needed to see him.

After I grabbed a taxi and arrived at the boys' house, I quickly walked up to the door and knocked.

Yoongi answered. Without looking at me he said, "If you're trying to sell something don't even—oh, Jia. Sorry." He let out a small laugh.

"It's okay. Is Taehyung home?" I fidgeted with the edge of my dress. Yoongi gave me a look.

"Yes he's here, but before you go I want to know why you haven't talked to him in a week and why you didn't show up for your piano lesson." Yoongi stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

"Why do you need to know?" I asked, slightly suspicious.

He sighed and said "Because Taehyung has been miserable and only leaves he room to go to work. I want to know what's up." His stern voice made me feel guilty.

"We got into a fight, I'm trying to go talk to him about it now. I was being stupid." Yoongi still seemed suspicious, but let me into the house. I walked briskly up to where I knew Taehyung's room was.

I knocked on the door, but I didn't say anything. He might not want to see me, but I needed to talk to him and apologize.

I heard his muffled voice from within the room, "Jin hyung, I already told you I'm fine. Leave me be." My heart broke at the pain I could hear in his words.

I started to speak, "Taehy—" but I was cut off as Taehyung ripped the door open before I could even say his whole name. At the sight of him standing there, tears came to my eyes.

This man had saved my life. Literally. He had kept me from suicide and now he was healing me from the pain that still haunted my nightmares. How could I have been so ungrateful?

"Taehyung, I..." He pulled me into his room before I could continue. He sat on the edge of his bed.

"Jia, love, I'm so sorry. I should have been more aware of your feelings. I didn't call you because I was scared you would reject me, and my heart wouldn't be able to handle that." His cheeks were wet as well.

"No, don't apologize. I got a call today, I got the job, and I know you knew and were told not to tell me. I overreacted." I toke wrapped my hand around his.

"I love you." He whispered, so, so quietly. I put my lips on his to convey my response.

I didn't go home that night.

~Taehyung POV~

When I woke up, Jia was still asleep in my arms. I didn't move, not wanting to wake her. She was so peaceful when she was sleeping.

Memories from last night flooded my mind, and I smiled silently.

As if my thoughts awoke her, Jia turned in my arms so she was facing me.  Before either of us could speak my bedroom door opened and Hoseok walked in.

Jia pulled the covers over her head.

"Oh my god." She whispered as she hid under the blankets.

Hoseok walked a few steps into the room before he noticed. He looked from me to the long, dark hair that was still sticking out from under the blankets.

He smirked at me and said, "Sorry for interrupting. See you both at breakfast!" I scowled at him as he turned and ran out of the room.

"Prick." Jia said as snuggled against me. "I am hungry though." We both laughed, and my heart warmed at the sound.

~End of Chapter~
Sorry it was a bit shorter! I've been busy with sooo much stuff! Take care lovelies!

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