trying to be normal - 12

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~Jia POV~

Taehyung and I went out to a diner that morning to eat breakfast. Being with him like this, and doing cheesy couple things, made me warm inside. Every time he looked at me, my heart fluttered and I fell in love with him a little more. As if I wasn't already head over heals for him.

We talked as we waited for the food to arrive.

"I wonder how my roommates will react to us." Tae said with an inquisitive tone. He was so cute when he was thinking.

"Is there an 'us'?" I asked. I was still nervous that I would be rejected, even with what had happened last night.

"Do you want there to be one?" I internally chuckled. It seems he was just as nervous as me.

"Yeah. If you do, too." I smiled at him for good measure.

"Mmmm. It'll be a hard decision." He said with a smirk on his face. I kicked him under the table.

He laughed and said, "Jia, my love, I would like to officially ask you to go out with me." Now it was my to laugh.

"It would be my honor." I responded.

Despite our joking around, we had just officially started dating. I didn't even realize I had started grinning like an idiot.

"You're too cute!" He said, laughing, and leaning across the table to kiss my lips. I opened my mouth to say something, but instead I squealed as the waiter brought out our food. Tae laughed again at my reaction and we both started to eat.

When we were done, Tae drove to work and I toke a taxi to school.

I sat in a class, trying to focus on the material, when I got a text from Taehyung. I smiled and opened the message.

~Text Conversation~

TH: Jia, love, I've got some news about the job, call me when you have the chance.

J: I can't call you now! I'm in class! Please just tell me :(

TH: Nope! You have to call me to find out. Btw, text me when you're done all of your classes so I can pick you up. Love you <3

J: I love you too

~End of Text Conversation~

I sighed. He was such a tease. I tried to forget about what he said and focus. But, the minutes I had to sit in class now seemed twice as long.

When I was finally finished with class, I rushed outside and immediately called Taehyung. I was nearly jumped up and down. The suspense was killing me.

On the second ring, he picked up, "Hello love, how was class?" He said.

"Stop stalling and tell me the news already! I can't wait any longer." I was nearly yelling into the phone.

"Okay okay! Take a deep breath—"

I cut him off and said "Tae!"

Finally he said, "You have an interview with my manager scheduled next week. Sorry it couldn't be sooner, it was the only time open."

"Really? Your manager actually agreed to interview me?!" I was in disbelief.

"Well, not to brag, but and your seven best friends are some of the best at the company. So when all of us recommend you for the can guess what happened." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Thank you so so much! I'll never be able to repay you! I'll make sure to thank the boys as well. By the way, can you pick me up around 5?"

We continued to talk on the phone until I had to go to my next class.

~Taehyung POV~

I smiled at the fact I had made Jia so excited and happy. If she did get the job, it would be wonderful. We would be able to work together. The thought made me feel excited.

I quickly looked around the building for the rest of the boys to tell them the good news. We all worked together, but sometimes we had different schedules and things so I didn't see them as much.

After finding Jimin, I him them the news and then left work to go pick up Jia.

~Jia POV~

I sat on a bench waiting for Taehyung to come pick me up. It was odd to be such a normal couple, doing things like going out to breakfast and picking each other up. The two of us were anything but normal. But, I cherished the moments anyways.

When he drove up next to me, I hopped in the car and gave him a peck on the lips. He smiled at me.

"How were your classes?" He said, and pulled out on the main road.

"Boring, like always. Do you want to have dinner at my place tonight?" I hoped he wasn't busy.

"Of course! Is there anything you need from the store, love?" He gave me a second smile.

His pet name made me smile as well. "I do actually. Thank you for reading my mind!" I laughed at him.

We drove to the store, and I asked him to go get a certain sauce while I tried to find the vegetables I wanted. As I browsed, a boy around my age, maybe older, came up to me.

"Hey beautiful." He said. I didn't like his tone of voice. I just ignored him, taking a few steps back, hoping he would leave, and that Taehyung would come back soon.

"Hey, I just want to ask you out. Maybe grab a few drinks?" He walked closer to me.

"I have a boyfriend. I'm not interested." I started to walk away to go find Taehyung. Before I could, he ran in front of me.

"All girls say they have a boyfriend as an excuse. I'm not buying it. Come on, let's get out of here." This guy was getting on my nerves.

"Leave me alone." I turned around and began to walk in the other direction, only to realize it was a dead end. Shit.

I toke out my phone and started to write a text to Tae, when the guy grabbed my phone. It didn't last though, because Taehyung was suddenly next to me and holding out his hand, motioning for the guy to give my phone back. The mystery man looked surprised, but he gave Tae my phone and ran off.

"Did he touch you?" Taehyung asked, with concern in his eyes.

"No, he was just being an entitled ass. I'm okay." He nodded and kissed my forehead.

We went home and had a lovely dinner, and he stayed the night as well.

~End of Chapter~
Sorry this is a couple hundred words shorter! The next one will be longer! I didn't have much time to edit this so I'm sorry for any errors! Message me if you have questions!
Love you all

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