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~Jia POV~

When I️ woke up, the first thing I️ felt was the wet concrete I️ was laying on. The stone's coldness was soaking into me. Then my whole seemed to wake up, my muscles aching and my head spinning. I was soaking wet. I finally let my eyes crack open.

There was a young man, who was also dripping wet, kneeling next to me. He seemed out of breath.

Then I️ remembered.

The realization that I️ was still here, still trapped in this body...I was livid.

"Thank god you're alive." The boy said. He put a hand on my arm, most likely to help me sit up. It triggered a memory of something grabbing my arm in the water...that must have been him. I️ tried to muster enough strength to push him away...but I️ couldn't. My limbs were heavy, my head was pounding, and my throat burned. I️ felt so weak.

"" I️ whispered. I️ was barely able to get the words out. He toke his hand off my arm and sat down. He stared at me...and looked very concerned. We sat in silence for about a minute.

Then he said, "I️ don't know who you are, and you don't know who I️ am, but I'm not going to let you die. My phone won't work, but the rain is starting to stop so hopefully someone will see us. Please, let me help you. You were in the water for too long." His offer seemed genuine, and the kindness in his eyes made my irrational anger subside a bit.

I️ slowly nodded, because I️ didn't have enough strength to verbally respond.

He helped me sit up, and toke off his jacket to sling around my shoulders. I️ had lost my own coat in the water. He brushed my wet hair off my face, and reached for my wrist so he could slide gloves onto my hands. But as soon as he touched my wrist...white hot pain shot up arm.
I️ hissed in pain, and he immediately backed off.

"Damn.." He whispered. "You need to get to hospital. Soon."

He, very gently, slid gloves onto my hands. It hurt, but I️ knew it was for the best. I️ knew I️ should be upset with this mystery man...but I️ was too tired to think that much.

For about another 10 minutes, we sat in silence. As waves tossed themselves against the pillar, I️ couldn't help but think about the people I'd lost. The empty silence allowed my brain to run wild, and awful memories replayed in my head again and again.

My mother's voice taunted me.

My sisters' screams tore me apart.

My father's piano playing only reminded me of what could have been.

Then I heard police sirens wailing atop the bridge. The stranger next to me let out a sigh of relief. There was shouting...more sirens, and we heard a helicopter as well.

Then, a black ladder fell, hitting the edge of the platform we were sitting on.

A woman and a man, both in uniforms climbed down. They reminded me of my parents. Hot tears slid down my face as I️ passed out again.

~??? POV~

I️ don't think I've ever felt as relieved as I️ did when I️ saw that ladder fall. But it was short-lived, as I️ immediately realized the girl wouldn't be able to climb up it. I️ wasn't even sure if I️ could. As a man and woman in police uniforms climbed down, I️ realized the the girl had passed out again. I prayed they could get her out of here.

"Please..." I️ begged, "She's too weak to climb, and her wrist is broken. She needs to get warm or she'll get hypothermia. Please."

The woman looked at her partner and said, "Tell them to send a gurney down, and make sure they know we need to go to the hospital immediately after." The man nodded, and toke out his radio. Then the woman addressed me.
"Sir, are you in good enough shape to climb the ladder?" There was concern in her eyes as she examined me for any obvious injuries.

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