epilouge - 20

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~1 Year Later~

~Jia POV~

I tried to hold back the happy tears that threatened to flow down my face as I stood, dressed in a flowing dress of white, staring down the long aisle at my soon to be husband.

His crisp suit made his beautiful face seem even more handsome, if that was possible. The boys stood at the alter as well, and three pedestals stood where my bridesmaids should have been. My sisters, and Taehyung's. The flowers laid on top of them made my heart warm. I walked down the aisle with Taehyung's father.

I smiled even more at our flower girl, my sweet daughter who could barely even walk, who I had almost lost when her heart had stopped beating for three minutes. But she had survived, and had become a beacon of light in my life.

Even though I was walking toward him, it felt as if the distance between us would never close. The people around me stood, all the friends I had made, Taehyung's family, my coworkers, all the people who had helped me heal and become who I am now.

I was no longer broken and insecure, I had overcome my loss, though I would never forget it. I smiled wide, letting all my emotions shine through, and stepped onto the alter next to my love, my best friend.

I toke his hands, and we said our vows. We promised to love each other and protect each other and our sweet child forever.

My Taehyung, my husband.

~Taehyung POV~

She had always been beautiful, since that very first day, but now, she was breathtaking. I couldn't describe the love for her I felt in every cell of my body. I couldn't voice how thankful I was we had found each other, and saved each other.

And Nari, so small and pretty, with her big, pretty bluish-green eyes she had gotten from her mother. The dark, thick hair she had gotten from me.

I stared at Jia as she walked, her white dress swishing slightly against the floor. No one spoke, yet the room felt like happiness. Like love.

And when I kissed her and told her I loved her, though I had before a million times, it felt just as meaningful as that very first time.

"I love you, Jia. And I will never stop." I whispered to her. Every place we touched felt hot. It was so amazing how that spark could last, how she could still make me blush and get me nervous. I never wanted the feeling to fade.


Years later, the sounds of laughter fill the air as a chicken is cut, people smile and talk of their day, and a husband and wife spend time with their four children.

Friends surround them as well, bringing cheerful and old, good memories.

Their story may be forgotten by some, but they will never forget why life is worth living.


Hello lovelies! Oh my god! It's finished! Thank you all so much for your support, I never imagined I would get more then 200 reads! I feel so great full, and I love every last one of you. Remember, no matter what you are going through (and trust me, I've been there), there is always hope.

Stay tuned for a new story coming soon. Which member do you think it'll be about??

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