prolonged healing - 5

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~2 Weeks Later~

~Jia POV~

It had been almost a month since I tried to take my own life. The past couple weeks had been hard, but also wonderful. I had bad days, and really bad days, but there were also good days, and great days. Taehyung stayed with me through all of it. We had grown much closer.

Speaking of Taehyung, he was calling me for the second time. I had missed his first call and had been planning to call him back, but I forgot. I was busy catching up on schoolwork I had missed. I answered quickly. Taehyung immediately started talking.

"Aish, Jia-yah! Why don't you ever answer my calls? It worries me." He seemed upset.

"I didn't mean to Tae, I was just busy. I'm sorry." My apology was sincere. I didn't want him to worry about me even more then he already did.

"It's okay, I'm overreacting. I guess I care for you too much." I could hear the smile in his voice. I giggled in response.

"Is there a reason you called me, Tae?"

"Is simply wanting to talk to you not enough?" His voice was whiny, and I could tell he was pouting.

"Tae, come on, just tell me! I know you called me for more then just small talk." Now I whined to him, making faces even though he couldn't see me.

"Fine, fine. I'll tell you. But only because you'll whine more if I don't. Anyway, my roommates are having a party tonight and they insist I invite you, because, as they put it, 'that girl is the only person you ever spend time with and we don't even know her.' " I laughed at him, but did feel a little guilty I was stealing him from his friends.

"Of course I'll go. I've been wanting to meet the boys you claim create so much trouble. Is the party causal or formal?" I responded

"It's casual, so if you overdress we'll kick you out." He laughed before he continued, "Sadly, I have to get back to work now. See you at the party!" He hung I before I got a chance to say goodbye.

I was still smiling even after I hung up. For the the rest of the day I tried to distract myself until it was time to go over to Tae's dorm. Halfway through the day, I was going through some of my old clothes, and I found a dress that had belonged to my youngest sister. On that day, in that moment, it hurt. Really bad. It hurt to see that dress, a simple, long dress with a floral pattern. Something she would definitely wear. Then I was crying, sobbing. The pain was unbearable once again.

I tried to take deep breaths, to think about things that made me happy, but none of it was working. I laid on my bed, hugging my little sister's dress. She had been so young.  So young. It wasn't fair that her life had been stolen from her. It wasn't fair she had been taken from me.

I curled up, hoping that I could disappear inside myself if I tried hard enough. I don't know how long I laid there, crying my heart out. It could have been mere seconds, or hours.

Then there was a hand resting lightly on my back.

"Jia. Hey, I'm here. You're okay. I'm here." I recognized the voice. It was Taehyung. I didn't think about why he was here, or how he got in my apartment. I didn't respond to him either.

But, he held my hand, whispering comforting words, until the tears on my face dried, and I could turn and face him.

"H-how did you know to come? How did you even get in my house? I thought the door was locked." I struggled to get the words out.

"Well, when you weren't at the party when you said you'd be, I started to worry. You're always on time. I texted and called you, but you didn't respond. I drove over here, and the door was locked, but I looked for an spare key and found one under your welcome mat." He smiled at me.

"I guess I should find a better place for my spare key." I said. He laughed, but I could only manage a small smile.

"Hey, if your not up to it, we don't have to go to the party. We can stay here." His eyes were kind. I don't think I would ever get over those kind eyes.

"No, no. I think I want to be around people right now. Being by brain runs wild. I need a distraction." In response to my words, he nodded at me and smiled.

"Let's go meet my friends, then."

~End of Chapter~

Sorry the chapter is a bit shorter! The next one will be longer, thank you for all your support!

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