he left? - 9

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~Jia POV~

We arrived at the boy's dorm, and I started to walk inside with Jimin. I was feeling a little nervous, simply because Taehyung wasn't there. But, I reminded myself that I had already met them, and all of them had been kind. I toke a deep breath. Jimin glanced at me.

"You okay?" He asked. We stopped walking. He put a hand on my arm. Exactly where Tae's hand had been when he had dragged my lifeless body out of the river. My breathing became irregular and my heart sped up.

Again, Jimin said "Jia, are you okay?"

Quietly, I said, "Sometimes I get flashbacks. Your hand..." He glanced at his hand that was still on my arm. He immediately removed it.

Even though his hand was gone, I was already spiraling. I didn't want to be like this in front of Jimin, I had only just meant him a few days ago. I wanted Taehyung. I wanted him to hold my hand and tell me everything was alright.

"Jia, why don't we go to the backyard? There's no one out there right now." Jimin said. I gave a slight nod. We walked into the backyard and sat down on a comfy bench underneath a tree.

"If you need to say anything, Jia, I'm here." His voice was soft. I wanted to talk about it. But what if he never looked at me the same? What if he didn't want to see me anymore? What if he thought I was crazy?

He seemed to read my mind, because he said, "I won't judge you. If you need to talk, then talk." I toke a deep breath. My hands were shaking.

"I don't know if Taehyung told you how we met." I looked at Jimin. He shook his head.

"About a month ago, I tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. Taehyung jumped after me." I looked down, unable to meet his eyes.

Jimin sucked in a breath and said "No wonder you two were suddenly so close." I nodded. I silently thanked him for not questioning me further. I wasn't sure if I wanted to share those things right now.

"When we were, um, in the water, I was mostly unconscious. But I remember Tae's hand grabbing my upper arm. That's why I reacted like that, and I'm sorry." My cheeks got red.

"Don't apologize," He said "I understand. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I'm happy you meant Taehyung. You make each other better. Tae never really got over the death of his sister, but he's healing now. I think that's because of you." I blinked in surprise.

I had always thought our relationship was relatively one sided, because he was the one who had saved me. I was always worried he would leave, permanently, because he got sick of me. I never even realized he had only recently started to come to terms with his sister's death. But if what Jimin said was true, I had helped him as much as he had helped me. He needs me as much as I need him.

"Did he leave because of me?" I quietly asked.

Jimin hesitated, but said, "When he first got back to the dorm, he was the happiest I've seen him in years. But, he broke down, saying that he didn't want to force you into anything, and that he wasn't worthy of you. It scared me. It scared all of us. He hasn't ever allowed himself to be so emotional in front of us before. I think he left because of you, but not for the reasons you're thinking of." I tried to hold back that tears that were struggling to break free.

Taehyung didn't think he was worthy of me? That kind, selfless man thought I deserved someone else, someone better? I almost laughed at the thought. He was perfect, to me anyway. It dawned on me that maybe he thought about me like that.

I turned to Jimin and said, "Thank you for telling me. It helped a lot. Why don't we go inside?" He smiled and led me into the house.

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Tae's roommates, which was a lot more fun then I thought it would be. We played video games (Jimin was a sore loser) and Jin made us all dinner, which was delicious. I tried to help him, but he insisted on doing it all himself. I got to talk to Yoongi a lot, which was nice. He was reserved, but opened up more as we talked. He mentioned he played piano, and I begged him to teach me. I knew the basics, but I wanted to learn more. Playing made me feel closer to my dad. He agreed, and we figured out a time to meet later that week. Hoseok and Namjoon helped me feel more welcome, but in different ways. Hoseok was a literal ray of sunshine and Namjoon fed me details about everyone so I could get to know them. Jungkook started teaching me how to draw. Overall, it was an amazing afternoon. I was sad when Jimin drove me home once dinner was over.

It felt so good to be happy.

~End of Chapter~

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