who we were meant to be - 18

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~Taehyung POV~

With Jia pregnant, I could barely focus on anything else. I was constantly worried about her and the baby. She, of course, didn't seem to worry at all. In fact, she told me to stop fussing on a daily basis.

I did try to stop worrying. I had many things I needed to plan before the baby came. Now our little girl was only two months away!

Right now, I was headed to work to talk to our manager about me and Jia living in our own home. Honestly, I would quit if we couldn't stay together.

I walked into my manager's office and sat down. "Good morning Mrs. Kim, how are you?"

"I'm well Taehyung, thank you. What is it you want to talk about?" I forced myself to not fidget.

"As you are aware, Jia and I are dating and she's seven months pregnant. I would like for us to live in a house together so we can properly raise our child." After speaking, I held my breath, nervous for my boss' reaction.

She responded, "Well, we have never made an exception like this before, but both you and Jia have proven to be wonderful additions to our team and we can't afford to lose the two of you. So, I'll allow you to move out into your own house, but we can't pay for it."

~Time Skip: 1 Week~

I scolded Jungkook after he almost dropped one of the boxes he was bringing into the new house. I was thankful Namjoon wasn't here though, he would have broken every piece of furniture we have.

I walked inside, and found Jia in the nursery we were assembling. "Hello, love. How are things coming along?" I gave her a back hug, rubbing her belly as well.

"Good enough. We still have a lot of work to do. You should be doing something!" I chuckled slightly. God, she made my heart beat.

I pressed a light kiss to her forehead and went to grab more boxes from the moving van. By the end of the day, we could actually start living in this house. Of course there was some decorating and a few pieces of furniture left, but things were coming together.

~Time Skip: 3 Weeks~

I smiled as I cooked breakfast for Jia. The smell of delicious food filled the air, making our relatively new house smell like home.

The calm moment ended quickly when I heard Jia yell my name from another room.

"What's wrong?" I asked, scanning her for any sort of injury. There was nothing I could see.

"The baby... I think my water just broke." I blinked in surprised. Indeed, the floor beneath her was wet.

"You're not due for another month." I deadpanned, even though we both already knew it. Did this mean something was wrong with the baby?

"I don't know." She said, biting her lip. "We should go to the hospital.

I grabbed a bag and threw in some extra clothes and toiletries. I ran back into the living room just in time to see Jia moan in pain and almost fall over.

I was next to her in a second, rubbing her back and whispering in her ear.

"Contractions. I'm having contractions." She mumbled when she could breathe again. I only nodded, trying to stay calm for her sake.

We rushed to the car and drove the hospital. I could barely focus on driving as Jia kept having contractions. But she just kept telling me she was fine.

When we finally arrived, we were sent to the ER and the doctor began examining Jia. Watching the woman's gloved hands move over her body only sent sparks of nervousness through my chest.

After a few long minutes the doctor said "You're going into labor. You should be able to start pushing in about an hour." I grabbed Jia's hand.

"Will the baby be okay?" I asked with concerned eyes. The way the doctor hesitated before she spoke made me worry even more.

"We are not sure. The baby will be premature, but that isn't necessarily a problem. Hopefully nothing else is wrong."

So, we began the process of having our child.

My emotions were all over the place. The concern and worry for our child was overwhelming, but I couldn't help but be excited at the thought of our little girl being born. Images of caring for her and playing with her flashed through my mind. Oh, how the rest of the boys would adore her. They would take her for walks in the park and out to get ice cream, all the while teaching her to be mischievous.

I sat with Jia for hours as she pushed. We both cried for most of it, but finally, after almost a day of being in labor, the baby was about to come.

The doctors prepared for the final stages of birth, Nurses laid out clothes, Jia gave the last push, and our baby came into the world.

But she did not cry.

There was no sound of the baby wailing, no sign of life at all. In the hospital room, there was a beat silence, and nobody seemed to breath.

Then there was shouting and moving, our child being swept away, the beeps and dings and machines as they turned on. Jia was crying, maybe from the pain or out of fear for our baby, and I felt tears slide down my face as well.

I could only watch as they tried to save our little girl from the brink of death. I hadn't even seen the color of her eyes. Were they my own brown, or the icy blue of her mother's?

Suddenly a nurse was next to me and he put a hand on my arm. "Sir, the child is going into surgery now." I barely heard his words.

This small, beautiful, innocent baby was dying. Our baby, our sweet little girl, was dying.

~End of Chapter~
Ahhh sad chapter! Hello lovelies, hope you all enjoyed it! By the way, this book is coming to an end soon! Be prepared! Don't worry, though, I have something else in the works.

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