new obstacles - 13

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~Jia POV~

I looked myself up and down in the mirror. I had tried my very best to look professional and mature. This could be my only shot at a career I actually enjoyed, not to mention I would get to work with Taehyung. My hands were shaking as they hang at my sides.

The past week had been great. Wonderful. Since Taehyung had returned, my panic attacks had become less frequent and I was in a good mood most of the time. It was liberating, feeling like this after months of being suffocated.

I checked the time, and rushed outside to grab a taxi. Taehyung was working this morning, and had offered to give me a ride, but I wanted to do this myself. I was so, so thankful for the recommendations the boys gave, but I wanted to be hired because of my own talents as well.

Soon enough so I was at the BigHit Entertainment building. After talking to the receptionist, I made my way up to the room where my interview would be held. I sat down and waited.

After what seemed like hours, someone finally walked in. I grabbed my skirt so that my shaking hands wouldn't be seen. Regardless of my nerves, the interview started. It was the basic questions that everyone gets, until they asked me...

"Have you gone through anything traumatizing experiences in your life? A death of a loved one, for example?" The interviewers voice didn't falter.

I hesitated before I answered. Should I tell the truth? Could I even handle telling a stranger about my personal experiences?

"Yes. I have." I said quietly. I didn't willingly offer up anymore information.

"Good, thank you. I won't ask you to elaborate, I understand it's personal. I ask you that because we have found that people who have been through hardships in their lives tend to produce songs with more emotion." I was surprised at the response. Maybe my the fact that I had started to overcome my struggles was a testament to my own character.

I finished the interview without anymore unusual questions. When I was out of the office, I texted Taehyung. Unfortunately he was busy working, but he said Jimin should be in the break room and gave me directions.

I walked into the break room and immediately saw Jimin sitting at a table eating what I assumed was his lunch.

"Hey Jimin!" I said with a smile.

He looked up from his food and gave me a grin. "Jia! How was your interview?"

We continued to talk until I went home to study for my finals that were coming up in a few weeks.

~Time Skip: Two Weeks~

~Taehyung POV~

I was at Jia's, and I sat on the couch with her in my arms while I listened to her express her worries.

"I just don't understand! It's been two weeks! Can't they just tell me whether or not I have the job?" She signed in frustration. It didn't feel nice to see her so worked up.

"Hey, it's okay. Everything will work itself out. You just have to be patient." I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

These past few weeks with her...they had been amazing. I truly did love her, and it was a miracle she loved me back.

"I'm sick of being patient, Taehyung. Whether or not I get this job decides everything about my future. How can you be so calm about it?!" I blinked in surprise at her response. I hadn't seen much of her when she was angry. I wasn't sure how to comfort her.

"Jia, I don't mean to make you feel like I don't think this is big deal. It is. I'm just trying to help you calm down. It's won't help if we're both angry." I glanced at her nervously. I couldn't even guess what her reaction would be.

"I don't want to calm down. I want answers." She pushed me away from her. I tried not to let my hurt feelings become obvious. But, my emotions got the best of me.

"I only mean to help! Why can't you understand that? We're on the same side!" I regretted raising my voice soon after.

"I don't care." She said, "Just go home."

~Jia POV~

Regret washed through me as I saw the hurt look in Taehyung's eyes when I told him to leave. I felt bad, but I needed to be alone.

I don't know why I snapped at him. I wasn't angry at him, I was just stressed from school and the job and what the hell I was going to do with my life.

I took a shower, hoping the hot water would wash away my worries. It didn't really help.

I went to bed even though it was still quite early. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.

~Jimin POV~

I was in the kitchen when I heard Taehyung arrive back home. He had been much more cheerful the past few weeks. I could guess that it had something to do with the fact he was dating Jia.

I went out to greet him, but before I could say anything he pushed past me and walked upstairs to his room. His door closed with a click. I frowned. Usually he was a social butterfly when he got home. Especially if he had been at Jia's.

I went up to his bedroom door and knocked.

"Taehyung? It's Jimin." I heard him mumble for me to come in.

When I opened the door, he was staring up at the ceiling while laying on his bed. He didn't look happy.

"Did something happen?" I asked, hoping he would be able to open up. The only person he ever talked to about his feelings was Jia.

"I don't understand love. It can be so amazing, yet it makes us irrational and do things we normally wouldn't do. I'm scared that by loving her, it will only end with both of us hurting. I don't want to do that to her, but I can't stay away." I held back my gasp of surprise. I really hadn't expected him to open up like that.

"I'm assuming you fought about something. You have to remember that not all emotions are long term. You, and Jia, won't feel angry with each other forever. If you love her, that's more important. Don't let a negative feeling control your life." He nodded in understanding as he rubbed his face with his hands.

"I can't tell her I know she got the job. Our boss made me swear not to. I could get fired. She's so nervous about it, but I guess I didn't truly understand her anxiousness because I already know." It was my turn to nod.

"Remember, Taehyung. She loves you. One argument won't change that."

~End of Chapter~
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