death - 2

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~Jia POV~

The cold air whispered in my ear as I️ fell. I️ heard the splash as I️ crashed into the river, but I️ didn't feel it. The water was freezing, and it numbed me. Numbed the pain. That endless, devastating was gone. I couldn't think or feel. In that moment, as I️ sank into the dark depths of water, I️ felt at peace. I️ felt free.

Some distant part of my brain started panicking as my lungs shut down from a lack of oxygen.

But the calmness that had come over my raging mind...I️ didn't really care I️ was dying.

I️ couldn't remember who I️ was. Who I was supposed to be. I was an empty shell floating in the absolute stillness of the river around me.

And so I️ closed my eyes, and I️ drifted away.

~??? POV~

I️ was driving home for work, and very happy to be doing so. My coworker, a woman named Sonna, had been tormenting me. She had asked multiple times if I️ wanted to go to a bar with her, and each time I️ had politely declined. She wasn't the type of girl I️ wanted a relationship with.

All I️ wanted now was to go home and eat the delicious dinner I️ knew my roommates had prepared. I️ hummed as I️ drove, pondering what exactly, I️ would be eating for dinner.

I️ drove across a bridge, carefully because of all the rain that was pouring downing. Suddenly, farther up the bridge, I️ saw a feminine figure standing dangerously close to the edge. I️ slowed down my car, hoping she had just stopped to admire the view...even if you couldn't see anything through the rain. A car behind me beeped, then drove around me.

I continued to watch her. She did not move. I began to speed up when I decided that it was probably nothing.

Then I️ slammed on breaks as I️ watched the girl take a step forward. Instantly, fear and adrenaline pumped through me.

I️ jumped out of my car, leaving the door open, and started sprinting for the girl standing in the rain.

I️ was thirty feet away. My feet slammed into the wet pavement over and over.

Twenty feet, now.

I️ prayed she would stay still, I️ called out, but she didn't hear me over the rain. Or maybe she choose to ignore me. Part of me was knew that I️ shouldn't put my own life in danger to save a stranger, but I️ didn't listen.

Ten feet.

I️ was so close, and I️ reached out a hand to grab her and stop this girl, not older then 20, it looked like, from ending her life.

But then she jumped.

A gasp left my lips as I️ abruptly stopped and watched her limp body fall to water below.

Such a long, long fall. I was stunned

And then I️ decided I wasn't going to let her die.

Whoever she was, she didn't deserve to die.

So I️ dove into the water after that girl.

~Jia POV~

I️ was asleep in that dark water, and it was bliss.

I️ could feel my body shutting down. I️ felt death looming over my shoulder.

A ripple went through the water. Something gripped my arm.

I️ was to weak to struggle, to weak to do anything. I️ felt myself being pulled up and up and up. My head broke through the surface of the water, and as a reflex my body immediately toke in gasps of air.

I️ didn't try to move, to swim.

Something was still holding on to my upper arm, and I️ was slowly being pulled across the surface of the water.

Then it hit me. All at once, like one big, massive blow.

The pain.

Once again it was unbearable, and I️ hated it. Hated whoever or whatever had given this back to me.

Before I️ could rally enough strength to fight back, to return to that peaceful eyes grew heavy, and I️ fell unconscious.

~??? POV~

When I️ grabbed the girl, it terrified me how cold she was. Her freezing skin made me think I️ had lost her, that I️ had been too late, but as we broke through the surface of the water I️ heard her gasp for air, so I️ knew she was alive.

I️ was swimming as hard as I️ could for one of the pillars that was holding up the bridge. There was a small platform at the base, somewhere we could wait until I️ was strong enough to swim us to shore.

The girl's deadweight was almost to much for me to bear. She was unconscious, though I️ doubted she would have tried to swim even if she had been awake. As I️ swam, thoughts flashed through my mind.

Would I️ make it in time to save her?

How much longer would I️ be able to swim?

I counted the seconds in between her breaths, and panicked as they grew farther apart.

~End of Chapter~

Hello! Thank you so much for reading, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. This chapter is much longer, as promised. Enjoy!

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