Chapter 1

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*your POV*
"A collaboration you say"
"Yes, with a bit band under the name BTS, you will be meeting with them tomorrow"
"I'm guessing at BigHit, in there dance studio"
"As that is where they will be yes, 8 am, sharp"
"I'll be there"
"Oh, and (Y/N)"
"Don't sleep in"
"No promises"
After I said that I hung up, BTS huh? Interesting... i placed my phone on my draws and sighed in exhaustion, my eyes gliding over to the clock that hung on the wall opposite my bed, it's ticking the the only sound present 8:47. Setting an alarm for 5 AM I changed into my dance clothes, and went into my basement that I changed into a dance studio, practicing my dance choreography as I still needed to keep my dance skills up, even when collaborating with this bts.


After hours of practicing I grab my phone, the bright digits of the time opened as I looked blankly 3:24 AM, and she wonders why I'm always late, my sleep schedule is non existent.

I quickly turn everything of in the basement and make my way up the stairs, all the way to my room and grabbing a towel to have a shower. I strip from my sweaty clothes and turn the shower on, putting the temperature on cold, which helps to refresh my mind.

I wet my hair before applying Apple shampoo to my hair and washing the suds out, and applying Apple conditioner soon after, I give my body an Apple soapy scrub and then wash the remaining suds off of my hair and body before turning the shower off and getting out, wrapping my fluffy white towel around myself. Quickly brushing my teeth I applying Apple hand cream to my hands and return to my room.

You could say I have a slight obsession with apple scented things.

Once in my room I hand dry my hair and brush through it, making sure all the knots are gone before getting my sleep wear on and checking the time once more before going to sleep 3:57.

*TimeSkip To Morning*

I awake to my alarm blaring in my ear as I groggily open my (E/C) eyes. I roll over and turn the alarm off and stared at the ceiling, contemplating if I should get out of my bed. With a sigh I get out of bed and mumble "I'm really not a morning person".

I sluggishly walk into my bathroom where I brush my teeth, slowly waking up fully. I once again applying my Apple scented hand cream before proceeding to brush my now dry hair (H/C).

Walking back into my room I start rummaging through my closet "I might as make an effort as first impressions are everything right?" I say to no one in particular. I put on a black crop top that says swag on the front in an extreme font, a short black skirt that has a silver chain on accompanied by fish net tights, along with my hat says swag, Which I put backwards, with a black mask with (Y/D) on it. "Nearly forgot my shoes" I say to myself as I slip on my (F/C) converse.

I look at the time to see it is 6:30 AM "I really need to get dressed quicker" I sweat drop as I make myself some toast with my favourite spread. After I finish my breakfast, I wash my plate up and put it away, grabbing my bag with my essentials in, walking out the door and locking the door with a soft click, speedily walking towards the awaiting car. Placing my black tinted shades on I look out the window, "BigHit if you would". "Yes ma'am".

*timeskip to BigHit*

"Here we are Miss (Y/N)" says my driver as I get out "thanks" I say as I chuck him a few 1,000 yen, we do pay him it's just nice to show appreciation.

I push past the huge crowed surrounding the front of the building and slipped past the security guards and into the building.
"(Y/N)!" I hear my manger shout, "Its about time, I thought you was going to be late. Again!". "I'm here now ain't I? Let's get the show on the road" I reply as she leads towards an elevator.

"Ive already spoke to the manger, and boy am I shocked" she says whilst clicking floor 3. "Why are you shocked" I ask, pulling my shades down slightly.

"Your here on time for once!" She exclaims
"Hey!" I reply irritated "I'm not always late", "You are" she argues "like that one time for the interview you had and you were like 2 hou-" I cut her off "alright! I get it! But it wasn't my fault you made me practice all 20 hours a day for a month straight!"

When I finished saying that, the elevator dinged, notifying us that we had arrived at the 3rd floor. "Here we are! Their practice room!"she says as she opens the door. "I hope you know that I contemplated being on time today"

Edited 8/9/19 Edited again 22/12/20

Was 505 words, then 848, now 875.

BTS fanfiction// yoongi/suga x reader Where stories live. Discover now