Chapter 2

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*Yonngi/suga POV*
Me and the rest of BTS were in our practice room finishing up dancing to fire and downing a bottle of water. Our manager told Namjoon that we were collaborating with someone and that we'd be meeting them at 8AM but forgot to tell us exactly who we'd be collaborating with as he was busy sorting things out for our comeback.

"who do you think we are collaborating with" Hosoek asked, "Well all I got from our manager was that they are a famous rapper, but he didn't say anything else" Namjoon responded half answering Hosoek's question "Do you think they have more fans than us!" Taehyung asked excitedly "I bet they would, considering our Manager seemed really excited and in disbelief whilst telling us Tae, that was obvious " I answer bus question, teasing him a little at the end.

"Really?! Then what if they decide they don't want to collab with us when they know they have way more fans then us!" Taehyung whines "don't worry taetae" jimin comforts him "I'm sure they won't mind at all !" "Really!" "Yeah!" "Yes! I can't wait to meet them!" Tae exclaimed

"How long until they're here?" Jin questioned Namjoon as he checked the time "he said they will be coming around 8, and the time is 7:58" Namjoon responded.

As soon as he finished his sentence the door opened. "Here we are!" We heard a woman's voice exclaim. "I hope you know that I contemplated being on time today" I heard a silky voice shout "so consider yourself lucky that I was on time" "I swear all you ever do is sleep!" The first voice said back "well I want to be a pillow in my next life" then all we heard was silence. Until an 'ow' was heard, followed by a shout "what was that for!!" "For being stupid!" "You're just old, let's just go in already!"

Jungkook snorted at the last comment and Jin says "I like them already".

They walked in, with two females walking in, one placing her hat back on her head, the other with a smile.

Edited 8/9/19. Edited again 22/12/20

Was 245 words, then 369, now 370

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