Chapter 12

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*your POV*
"Anyway" I start "what are you guys doing here". "We wanted to see if you were actually working on a song with them, and you are, so can we chill with you guys for a bit?" Yugeom said/asked. "Oh! We could have a sleep over!" Mark said. "Yah! Pabo! It's up to them" JB reasoned. "Yah! Can they jin, can they!" An excited Tae-tae shouted "sigh yes, they can, but! Don't start acting stupid!" "Yah! Eomma! Cut them some slack!" "But I didn't say anything...?" Jinyoung asked, confuzeled. "Oh, sorry jinyoung, I was on about jinine eomma" I tell him

"Anyway" rap monster intervened because he could tell an argument was going to start "where are they gonna sleep?" "I call dibs bunking with bambam!!" I shout cause bambam my bias, I can tell your judging me... shat ap.

"Sigh (Y/N)... you can't bunk with bambam because he's the opposite gender" Jin said. "And? I've slept in the same bad as jimin, tae tae, Suga, j-hope, and even jungkook! It's not fair-" "WAIT!!" A shocked and angry got7, Jin and rap monster shouted. "YAH! I WANT TO KEEP MY EARS THANK YOU!!" I scream back at them. "Yah! Fine!" Jin shouted. "Thanks eomma~" I thank him, but before I go up stairs with bambam, I think tease time "Come on bambam~ let's go to my room where it is just you and me, where the door locked" I say a wink at him. "And the tease is back" I heard namjoon sigh. "The tease?" Mark questioned namjoon. That caught everyone's attention. "She likes to tease people... a lot" namjoon sighed... again.

"Oh~" all of got7 said Amazed. "Yah! Come on, this way to my room~!" I sang and pulled bambam along.

*Yoongi POV*
Why does bambam get to stay in MY (Y/N)'s room! Wait... DID I JUST CALL (Y/N) MINE!! What is going on with my heart... it hurts when I think off bambam and (Y/N) in her room, alone... yah! Why am I acting jealous, just forget about it, (Y/N) won't fall for someone like bambam, yeh... she wouldn't...

*Authors note*
Sorry for not updating yesterday! I was out all day, and I had school today -_- kill me now -_-
Anyway! Hope you enjoy this chapter! bye bye~! 391 words.

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