Chapter 23

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*Your POV*
Me and yoongi walk hand and hand to his dance studio, when we got the the door, I opened it, only to be nearly knocked by 4 people.

"Y/N~!" Four voices cheer happily, smiles adoring their faces.
"Kookie, chim chim, tae tae, hopie!" I exclaim as they sheepishly let go of me, backing away a bit so me and yoongi can get through the door.

Yoongi grabbed my hand again, as I let go to catch the four little monster who jumped on me in excitement, and glares at them. Chim Chim, Tae Tae, Kookie and Hopie slowly backed away and hid behind eomma and appa. ah sorry, Jin and Namjoon.

"Yoongi," I say in a scolding tone, "that is no way to treat your hyungs, they just miss you~". "our hyungs," yoongi counters and squeezes my hand. I was at a loss of words and stared at him, mouth agape.

"That's right" I hear Chim Chim say from behind me, "we're family."

I look round to see everyone smiling at me, in adoration and happiness. I feel tears brimming my eyes, as Jin and Joonie open their arms. I feel yoongi slowly letting my hand go and I turn around, just for him to smile softly at me and nods towards eomma and appa.

(In case you forgot, eomma is Jin and appa is Namjoon it's an inside joke between you all)

I turn back to to eomma and appa and run at them with my arms wide open and tears pouring out of my eyes.

I embrace them full of happiness and love, and I feel them embrace me back, just as tight. Whilst hugging them, I feel four more pairs of arms wrap round me as best they could, making my heart soften at them.

I loosen my grip on everyone, and turn around in their hold, so I was facing yoongi. "You coming yoongs?" I say with a soft voice. He rolls his eyes but the smile etched onto his face is enough to assure everyone that he's joking. He slowly advances to us, and when he's close enough, I grab him and pull him into the hug. All of us with massive smiles on our faces.

"I love you guys..."

"We love you to (Y/N)"

Deleted authors note
Edited 22/12/20
Was 896 words, Now 405 words.
There's no way this chapter had 896 words.

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