Chapter 4

426 14 4

Your POV
If they don't shut up I swear to the devil that I will take there souls and eat them...

"Well you see... when (Y/N) gets woken up... she um... Um she..." "she gets pissed off..." I say in a deadly tone, slowly opening my eyes and rubbing my head to dull the ceasing headache. I really should get a better sleeping schedule.

Yoongi POV
She sounds a bit scary, but she still manages to come off as hot...- wait what, I like her music, not her... her music... do I really have time for this? Our come back is coming up and our popularity is rising.. I'm too tired for this.

BTS (except Yoongi) POV
Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap... she's worser than yoongi!

Your POV
"I've got this... d-don't worry" Yuu, my manager, stuttered out, as this could go one of two ways.

"Y/N what have I said about practicing so late?" My manger slightly scolds, as she hands me some paracetamol, "I know you want to do the best you can, but a good sleep schedule is a heathy lifestyle".

Popping the pills in my mouth, I swallow them dry, "sorry sweetheart, but I haven't got time for sleep". I could practically feel her slight annoyance to my comment, making me feel slightly bad, slightly.

"Fine," I sigh, "bring me some (F/F) by 4PM tonight and I'll go yo sleep earlier today." That sounded like a fair deal to me.


"Make it a week and you have a deal," Yuu shoots back as she quickly writes down what I wanted and by when on her note book. "Make it double (F/F) and you have a deal," I look her dead in the eye as she sighs. "Deal," with a cocky smirk I look at Yoongi to my right, "And that's how you get what you want".

Everyone just sweat-dropped at my behaviour as Yoongi went soft at your smile.

Deleted Authors note.
Edited. 22/12/20
Was 176 words. Now 348 words.

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