Chapter 17 *smut-ish*

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*your POV*
"(Y/N)! Yoongi! Can you wake up the others kids!" Jin shouts from the kitchen. But I'm comfortable like this T-T "do it your self jin!" I shout back and close my eyes again.

I hear feet coming towards us, and a pain erupts in my ear. "Yah!" I shout at jin who was holding mine and yoongis ear, "let go!". "Go wake up the rest of bangtan and got7" Jin said sternly.

"Sigh fine fine, come on Suga cube" I say without thinking. After I realised what I said, my face went a tomato red. Yoongi gets up and gives me a back hug. "Suga cube..." He mumbles. "Y-yah! Come on let's go get the kids up" I say and went to step away, but felt wetness in my neck, and as if someone was... biting me!

"Y-Yoongi!" I say out of breath. "Wait a minute" he mumbles against my neck. I felt a sharp pain and then I felt his tongue go over where he had bitten. "Now the boys will know that your mine and no one else's..." he lets go of me and heads up the stairs, "Come on (Y/N)"

I put my hand on the spot where he gave me a Nicky and headed up the stairs to wake the boys up.

"I'll wake up got7, and you wake up bangtan" I hear yoongi whisper to me " alright, see you down stairs" After I say that, I go into namjoon and Hobi's room.

I take a deep breath and shout as loud as I can in Hobi's ear. "WAKE UP!" He wakes up with a jolt and jumps into namjoon's, and as he did that, namjoon woke up, with jimin and taetae opening the door to see what happened. I start laughing "breakfast is ready" and leave the room to jungkook's.

I see him all curled up in his blanket. Awww so adorable I smirk and walk up to his bed, I reach over and pinch his nipples. He wakes up with a jolt of shock and a scream, this time got7 and everyone from bangtan (including Jin) came to see what was happening. "He's up now I'm getting some breaskfeast" I say as I leave the room with yoongi following.

I sit down at the table and eat with yoongi soon they all came down and ate, then got7 had to leave. After they left, the rest of bangtan that wasn't dressed got ready, cause we had dance practice, umm getting changed there cause eomma aka Jin gets eomma more on me.

"Yah, yoongi! Me and the boys have to do something, so it will be just you and (Y/N) tonight." Jin tells yoongi. "Alright" yoongi mumbled, and Jin told (Y/N) what he had told yoongi. "Alright eomma" She said and went into the limo with the rest of nagtan following.

*time skip to after dance practice, and yoongi and (Y/N) are in the limo*
*Your POV*
Me and yoongi day quietly, our heads resting in each other. His hand rested in my thigh , and he started doing circles with his fingers.

He slowly moved his fingers up to where my waist band if my shirts were and slid his hands through the netting and started doing random patterns under my waist line.

He slowly put his hands down my shirt, whilst his right hand slid up my shirt. I saw that the glass slider was open, and the blind was up, so I reached over and shut the window and blind, and as I pulled back, yoongi spun me around so I was sitting in his lap, which his fingers down my shorts, running where my clit was, there was only one but if cloth covering my clit, and his other hand went under my bra and choked my breast.

I but back a moan as he moved his fingers against my clit, but when he moved my knickers and stuck his fingers in, I let out a low moan. I put my hands behind his head as he continued to suck in my neck. I let out another, louder groan in his ear, and I heard him moan a little.

The limo came to a stop, so we quickly jumped a part, and went into the dorm. As soon as I shut and locked the door, yoongi picked me up and took me to my room. He then lauded me on my bed with him hovering over me, and he mumbles one sentence in a deep and husky voice "get ready for a rough night".

*authors notw*
I am so so so so so sorry for not updating, I had no ideas and I lost interest in the story, but I didn't want to end it, so here we are! If you could tell me in the comments if you liked the chapter and maybe... voted? That would mean a lot, but I hoped you enjoyed it, catch you on the flip side xoxo

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