Chapter 5

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3rd POV
After Yuu and Y/N finishes that... deal... the car pulled to a stop. "We're here!!" Tae tae exclaimed brightly.

"Yah!" Yoongi complained  " I can already feel a headache coming along". "I guess I could sacrifice some of my paracetamol for you, Yoongs" Y/N offers as she feels somewhat relatable to what he just said.

"Yeah, thanks Y/N" Yoongi managed to say, as the only thing on Yoongi's mind was that Y/N just called him Yoongs.

"Come on hyung, we're back at the dorms! We need to help Y/N get her stuff in!" Jimin whined.

"Chim Chim..." jimin flushed a light red "it's alright, honestly, I can carry my luggage in my own. Or it could just be me and you, you know, some one on one, but thanks for trying to help," Y/N said in a bit of a suggestive tone, as she knew that she would get a reaction out of yoongi, but the reaction she got from him was better than she expected.

*Your POV*
Finishing my sentence  I couldn't help but smirk at yoongi's face, I was hoping to get a good reaction but what I got was better than good, how cute.

Yoongi looked mega jealous, he looked angry even, but I could still see the little hue on his cheeks, dirty thought are filing his head about what I said to Chim Chim huh... how cute of him.

"Y-Yah! I can help her on my own, go help Hobi with the choreography for our comeback or something." Watching him make up excuses to spend some time with me is adorable, and I can't stop the dust of pink that graces my cheeks for a second or two, "I'll take her to take her room, just so I can sleep for the rest of the night!"

He does realise it's like, 8:47 in the morning, right?

Yoongi POV
This is so unlike me, I've know her for not even an hour! At least not personally. Normally I don't care about girls, I'm way to busy for that. If I was a rock all of this could of been avoided..

Your POV
Yoongi jealous face is adorable- wait what why am I acting like this... I don't have time for this, I have to strive for my goal. To prove to her that I can do this and it's not just a silly dream. Why do I have to think about it now


I grew up in a well off family I could say. We were never short on money, but we wasn't swimming in it either if that makes sense. My mother is a famous fashion designer and wanted me to take over the business when I was old enough. Whilst my Father was someone who brought and sold expensive pieces. Such as paintings, jewellery and stuff all the same. He wasn't home too much, always over seas.

Whilst growing up, I would watch and see all of these people, singers, dancers, idols, on the television. Smiling until their cheeks hurt, and having fun performing for their fans on stage at concerts. That's what started my journey to wanting to become an idol.

I never told my mother, nor my father when I got to see him. You see, my parents always liked the classical side of things. The opera, going to the theatre, we're everything was mellow. Not the bright lights, the up beat music, and 'fast talking' as they called it. Even though I constantly corrected them that it was called 'rapping'.

I was 14 when I finally got the courage to tell my mother my dream, as my father was still over seas, she didn't react too well..

"An idol?" Her words were calm, but anyone could see how furious she was, "you want to become a flashy idol?". The swallowing of my throat to sooth my anxiety was heard through the still atmosphere. "Y-yeah," I stuttered, "It's my dream to dance on stage like that, to make my fans happy. I don't want to take over your company; I want to become a rapper-"

A stinging sensation was left on my cheek as tears filled my eyes, refusing to let them fall. "How dare you refuse to take over the company!" I couldnt look at her, "just you wait until your father hears about this!" The thought of my farther finding out made me whip my head around to look at her. "W-wait! Please don't tell farther! W-what if I become a famous rapper! Promise you won't tell farther!" It was a stupid proposal, it's a miracle that mother excepted it in the first place.

But I wasn't going to say that to her; incase she retracted her promise. "Fine," she huffed, "if you can be known world wide as an idol by the time you're 26, I won't tell your father, I'll say you're off at a designer training camp." I honestly doubted my father would believe that. But in the end, it didn't matter.

3 months after I left to start my training as an idol under JYP entertainment, a message from my mother lit my screen, confusing my past self. My father had died in a plane crash whilst on his way back to south Korea.

At the time I was upset, not as much as I thought I would be as I hardly ever saw him. But at the end of the day he was my father and I loved him none the less.

My mother tried to bring me back but I refused and changed my number and socials so she couldn't find me. I knew it was a matter of time before I saw her, but I could dream.. right?

Flashback End

"N... Y/N!" "Yah!" I shout in shock " you were staring into space, everyone else has left the van" a tired yoongi said his voice~ what did I just think!? Come on Y/N this is nothing like you! Get it together... even when that god of a man is staring at you with his never ending ocean of warmth in his eyes-  yah! Stop Y/N! How can I go to reliving old memories to simping for a man I've not long met!?

"You're going into space again" amusement could be heard in his voice. "yah! I'm coming I'm coming," I said to yoongi, who had picked up the last of my stuff from the van and started heading towards the door.

Looks like Chim Chim went inside whilst I was lost in thought.. I honestly can't blame him.

Yoongi POV
How can someone look so cute yet so deathly attractive at the same time? One moment she's doing something Kawaii, and the next she's making my thoughts run rampant. Oh kami what is she doing to me.

"Look who's going of into space now" Y/N teased, such a silky voice.

"Come on I need to put my things away and finish my new piano piece " she said to me, opening the door, "you have a piano don't you?". Seems we have playing the piano in common as well.. "yeah, it's in a spare room so I could show you after you've settled in?" I offer. "I'd like that, Yoongs" her smile is going to be the death of me some day.

Edited 22/12/20
Was 560 words, Now 1244 words.

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