Chapter 7

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3rd POV
When Y/N finished talking, she opened the door and pulled her luggage in with the help of yoongi. "So... where's my room?" Y/N ask yoongi, desperate to finish her piano piece. "this way" yoongi responded tiredly, and carried most of the last of Y/N's stuff to her room so that Y/N can see how strong he is.

"Here we are" yoongi says placing Y/N's stuff by her bed, "if you need anything Jin's room is the second door on the left, lunch will be ready in about 3-4 hours". He walks toward the door, "I'll get taeyung to come and get you when it's ready, any other questions so I can sleep?" "yes actually" Y/N says "which room is the piano in?"

Realisation flashes in his eyes and he beckons her to follow him"Oh, the piano room. It's the fourth door on the right," he says whilst leading her down the hall, "hard to miss". He was right, the door hard a poorly scribbled Yoongi on the front, with the members signatures on the bottom. "That's cute." Y/N chimes and pushes the door open.

Yoongi watches Y/N walk over to the piano and she sits on the stool. Yoongi sits on the swivel chair next to the piano, where a plain dark brown desk resides, with paper and pens placed neatly on top. "I've nearly finished my piano piece, I just need to name it and tweak some lines," Y/N says as she pulls the piano piece form her back pack that she put on when they got her stuff from the van. "Shouldn't take me too long".

A question slips out of Yoongis mouth before he can register what he just said, "I thought you were a rapper, so who's going to sing the piece?" Shocked by his question Yoongi mentally kicks him self for asking a harmless question, "not saying that you can't sing but-" he is cut off by Y/N's laughter, it's a sweet sound. Like wind chimes.

"Well you wouldn't know as I don't sing to often, and I've never sang in any of my pieces," Y/N smiles fondly, "which is why this piece means so much to me."

Yoongi could do nothing but stare as she turned back towards the piano and started playing. Lulling him into a half conscious, half unconscious state; easing his mind.

Timeskip, 3 hours later

Your POV

"FINISHED!" My shout of excitement cause Yoongi to jump and fall backwards off the chair. A loud Thud was heard, as well as an "ouch" from an irritated, and tired Yoongi, and the footsteps coming towards the door. "What was that!" Said Jin in concern, with a bright pink apron on with white poka dotes, and a spatula in hand, with the rest of the remaining boys behind him.

"I just finished making my new song, and when I shouted I must of gave yoongi a bit of a shock hehe" I said bashfully. "Well next time be carefu-" jin was halfway through a lecture when Taehyung and J-hope shouted "I WANT TO HEAR YOUR NEW SONG!!"

"Aish..." Me and yoongi mumbled "so noisy," we both looked at each other from where we were and blushed a bit when we made eye contact. Smart minds think alike huh.

"Can we? Please!" Jimin joined in on the begging, "I bet it sounds good!" Flattery won't get you everywhere Chim Chim, but it'll get you a ticket to hearing my song. Sighhh.

I could already feel another headache coming along, yet I can't help not blaming them for it.

"Alright alright I'll play just all of you shut up!" They all went quiet as wide smile adorns their faces. Oh jeez that's adorable.

"I'm only playing it once though" I say as I breath a deep breath in and relax, only now feeling slightly nervous as this is the first time someone listening to the song. Not even Yuu has heard it yet.

When I finish playing the song on the piano, everyone stared to clap "thanks I guess..." I mumble slightly embarrassed, "anyway, when is lunch done?" I asked because I'm starving, toast can only get you so far when you're an idol.

"Oh! It's done now, it just need to dish it up!" "Okay, let's go then," I say and walk out my room, with everyone else following behind, with Jin in front, leading us to the dinning room, as I have no idea where I'm going. Jin and Namjoon head to the kitchen to dish up lunch, with me following.

When dinner is dished up on plates, which was Suhi, we brought it into the dinning room, and set it on the table, and then proceeding to sit down, with me next to Yoongi. "You didn't have to help me Y/N, I normally do it on my own, because the rest of my children are always in their rooms when we are not working!" Jin thanks, whilst also talking a jab at the boys, who look away from his gaze. "I enjoy cooking and stuff like that so it's fine" I brush off with a smirk.

Tease time~

"But next time maybe it can be just you and me" I say whilst I wink with a smirk. Just the reaction I was hoping for, he's red like a cherry.

"You're a teaser aren't you," A smiling namjoon said, showing his dimples. "Oh How ever did you notice," I say in a jokingly sarcastic tone, to humour him. "sarcastic too," he laughs.

Yonngi POV
Why can't me and Y/N have some alone time? I already blew one alone time with her because I was tired, and I didn't want to disturb her. Her concentration face was cute..
But when (Y/N) was teasing him, my heart tightened and I started to feel a weird sensation in my stomach. What is this feeling? I don't know if I hope it's what I think it is or not..

I'm way too tired to worry about it

Edited 22/12/20
Was 566 words, Now 1029 words.

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