Chapter 8

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The next morning

Your POV

With a yawn, I groggily open my eyes and check the time. "6AM...." I mumble as I wrack my brain for answers, "SHIT! I'm late! again!" I quickly rush to get changed into my more flexible casual clothes, and put my hair into a high ponytail.

After I'm dressed I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth at record breaking time, and sprint down the stairs. I run into the kitchen where I see jin cooking breakfast. "Morning jin!" I say quickly whilst grabbing an apple. "Morning Y/N- WHAT ARE YOU WEARING! YOU ARE NOT GOING OUT LIKE THAT!" His shout nearly made me trip over as I was putting my shoes on.

With all the ruckus that jin was making, all the boys came tumbling into the kitchen "what's going on- wow..." Yoongi spoke, his sentence turning into a mere whisper, making me raise a brow at his words.

"Yah! I'm late and I need to get to BigHit and discuss the collab with your manager and sorting my part of the choreography out!" I nearly shout at them, irritated. "(Y/N)! You are not going out like that!" Said eomma- oh I mean jin, with the way he acts I could of mistaken him for a stressed mother!

"Jin! These are my flexible dance clothes! I can't change what I'm wearing cause it'll mess up my concentration!" I push on, I haven't got time to argue with him, let alone change!

"Then at least put a coat on top of it!" Jin says sternly."Yah! My coats are still packed!" I say and try to get out the door, which was being blocked by the boys just staring at our interaction with blank eyes.

"Then go take one of ours!" Jin screams and gives me, yet again, a stern look, at which I sigh at. "Fine," I mumble and rush back up stairs and enter the first room I see and grab one of the coats off the hook and quickly Chuck it over my shoulders, as the coat stops at my knees.

Sprinting, and nearly falling, down the stairs I shoot a quick, "you happy now!" And pick up the apple u had left on the side in my frenzy to get ready. I speedily unlock the door and shout a farewell to the boys, "Alright I'm going now! Bye!". I hear several "Bye's!" As I slam the door and sprint down the street.

Yoongi POV

"What's going on- wow..." I didn't even finish my sentence when I saw (Y/N) in her 'dance' attire. Wow~ look at her~- WHAT AM I THINKING! Get it together yoongi stop looking at her slim stomach, her long legs and her toned- YAH! Snap out of it!

I snapped back into reality when I heard (Y/N) shout "Yah! Alright eomma!" And she rushed up stairs, mumbling something about a coat? That must be Jin's doing.

"I could see you checking her out" I heard jimin whisper to me. "Yah, no I wasn't!" I whisper back, slightly louder than Jumin's whisper. "Okay man, whatever you say.. But you totally were," he finished with a smirk and moved to stand by Kookie to avoid my wrath. I sighed and shook my head slightly to get the thoughts of Y/N out of my head. Stupid Park Jimin, I was so not checking her out.

Shaking my head once again, I saw Y/N come down the stars with a coat, one of my coats to be exact. Oh god does the coat suit her. "Alright I'm going now! Bye!" Her silky voice called as she left. "Bye!" we all chimed back in different ways. Most of my hyungs went into the front room whilst jin went back to making breakfast. I sat at the dinner table thinking about something, or should I say someone...

Your POV
Shit shit shit shit SHIT ! I think as I run all the way to BigHit. Why didnt I take the car!? I'm such an idiot! I think as I stumble through the doors of Bighit. I race up all the stars, when I could of taken the elevator, and go into BTS's dance studio, where I see my manager and BTS's manager.

"G-good morning?" I say as I slip into the room, highly out of breath. "YAH! You're late again Y/N" Yuu shouted at me "S-sorry Yuu! I slept in..." I say in a half ass attempt to not get scolded. "I've heard that before..." Yuu sighs, but decides to not press into the matter, "Alright Y/N this is BTS's manger". He smiles warmly at me, "Hello (Y/N), or better know as (S/N)" the way he addressed me made me sound all official which was cool. "yep that's me" I say back to him.

"Anyway.enough with this chit-chat, what did you tell the guys you were doing?" Yuu asked, "I told them that I was practicing my dance for my new song" I reply quickly, eager to start. "Good! Now, we need to sort out the song for you and BTS" bts's manger says to me.

"How about you listen to one or two of there songs, to get a feel of what they're like? And to see if you have an idea for the song," bts's manger says "okay," I mumble tiredly, I really need to increase my cardio.

"They're good..." I mumble to my self. "so got an idea?" Yuu asks me "yep!" I grin. "Alright, I will call the boys down " bts's manger says. "Alright. I can't wait.. this day is gonna be full of hard work and teasing." I say whilst smirking.
Edited 22/12/20
Was 641 words, now 965 words.

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