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BREAK UPS don't necessarily end in tears, heartbreak, and empty ice cream tubs. For Tyler Seguin and Simone Crane, their break up ended in laughs, friendship, and maybe a few empty ice cream tubs.

IN THE BEGINNING their relationship was sky rocketing. They did everything together, played hockey, went sky diving, raced cars, name it and they've done it. But spending that much time together also added up to a few fights.

BY THE END Tyler and Simone found themselves in a position where their two year relationship was bound to break. Which, it did. Their break up was mutual, both of them thinking it was the right decision. The two decided to say friends after their break, after all, if they didn't then they would have wasted a good two years with each other. Instead of moving out of the house, Simone moved to another room. Instead of becoming enemies, they became best friends. Instead of mourning over their break up, they pushed the past aside.

AS THE DAYS PASS BY, Simone and Tyler start to fall for each other all over again. From going back to their old date spots, to doing things friends should never do, Tyler and Simone start to wonder if staying friends was ever the best option.


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