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e p i l o g u e

| O N E W E E K L A T E R |

s i m o n e & t y l e r

s i m o n e  &  t y l e r

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"It's been a whole month since you and Tyler cleared everything up, and you're still telling me you guys aren't dating?"

"We're friends."

"Bullshit!" Katie exclaims, causing people in the cafe to turn to the screaming girl.

"Katie, shut up." Simone says, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Sorry everyone, back to your days." Katie announces to the watchers who are currently giving her a glare.

"But back to my point, why aren't you guys back together yet? It's clear to everyone that you guys love each other!" Katie whisper yells to her best friend.

"We're taking our time with things, okay Katie?" Simone states.

"It's been a month." Katie says with a disapproving look, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We're taking things very, very slow..." Simone says with a smile as Katie lets out a frustrated groan.

"Hey look, the boys are here now." Simone says as she gets up from the table her and Katie are sitting at and makes her way towards Jamie and Tyler, Katie right on her tracks.

"Hey you" Tyler says as Simone reaches him and they embrace each other.

"Hey you" Simone replies with a smile as she pulls away from the hug, but Tyler's arm remains around her hips.

"Look at them Jamie, just look at them. Can you believe they're not dating?" Katie asks in disbelief, causing Jamie to wrap an arm around Katie's shoulders.

Tyler and Simone just chuckle to their friend as she slumps into Jamie's hold.

"It's okay baby, they'll come around." Jamie starts, eyeing his best friends.

"We better get going guys or else we'll miss the movie." Tyler says with a bright smile.

"Fine." Katie replies as a grunt as she marches out of the cafe with Jamie.

"I'll ride with Tyler Katie, you can take my car." Simone says as she tosses her keys to Katie.


"Katie means to say thank you, we'll meet you at the theatre." Jamie translates for his girlfriend.

"Alright, see you there!" Tyler replies with a chuckle as he grabs Simone's hand and leads her towards his car.

Opening his passenger door for Simone, Tyler allows Simone to step into the car before rounding the car himself onto his side.

Getting into the car, Tyler automatically gets a hold of Simone's hand once again before driving.

"Do you have to hold my hand the whole time?" Simone asks with a smile, secretly not wanting Tyler to let go of her hand.

"Yeah, I'm not letting you out of my sight this time." Tyler teases with a smirk, placing a tender kiss onto the back of Simone's hand.

"Trust me, I'm not going anywhere." Just as Simone finished her sentence, Tyler speeds right past the movie theatre.


"Change of plans, we're not heading to the movies." Tyler says, cutting Simone off from her questions.

"Then what are we doing?" Simone asks with an excited smile.

"Have you ever thought of moving in with me?"



That's it for the epilogue guys! Sorry it's a bit short and doesn't really give you a large understanding at what happens after the book, but that is the point I'm going after.

I want you all to have your own thoughts on how Simone and Tyler ended up and not have your vision ruined by me! But if you all really want to know what I believe happens to the two, feel free to ask me anytime and I'll get back to you as fast as I can!

When You're Ready | Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now