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C H A P T E R  S I X

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C H A P T E R  S I X

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| S I M O N E |

| S I M O N E |

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Waking up next to Tyler wasn't a new feeling for Simone, but waking up naked next to Tyler always gave Simone butterflies.

Tyler's face was buried in Simone's neck with his arm wrapped around her waist. The comforter that's draped over the two has shifted up in a few areas, giving Simone a large view of Tyler's bare ass.

With a light chuckle, Simone carefully lifts Tyler's arms off of her drops it onto a pillow. Scrambling out of the bed, Simone quietly makes her way towards the closet and changes into a different set of pajamas.

After cleaning herself up a bit, Simone sneaks her way out of her and Tyler's room and down to the kitchen.

"Hey guys." Simone whispers to the hyper dogs.

"Whose ready for some breakfast, hm?" In an instant, the dog's tongues dangle out their mouths and their tails swing at rapid force.

After fixing the dogs' breakfast, Simone went back to the kitchen and made a quick breakfast for herself.


About an hour later, Simone is sitting in the media room, watching reruns of Keeping Up With The Kardashians when Tyler finally woke up.

"Get up babe, we're going out." Tyler says as he jumps onto the couch, placing himself right on top of Simone.

"Babe? That's different."

"Fine then, ma-"

"Never mind, babe is better than mami."

When You're Ready | Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now