Ch. 1

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Kyoka waved her legs around while she was patiently waiting for Momo on a bench. They were going out to a mall after their classes were over, but Momo was running kind of late. Well, she's a super smart rich girl that's vice president of 1-A that's totally out of your league. What'd you expect?

Kyoka's heart melted just thinking about Momo. She covered her face with her hands to hide her red face. It was strange.

She usually didn't lose her composure like that and even talked to herself, "Stop freaking out, you dumbass." Kyoka heard footsteps and looked up.

Momo was awkwardly smiling, "A-Are you talking to yourself?"

Kyoka took a deep breath and nodded. Keep your cool, Kyoka. She broke into a grin and just laughed it off, "Yeah, I've been kinda off lately. No worries though."

Momo put her hands together and lit up as bright as a beautiful star in the night sky, "Shall we head over to the mall then?" Kyoka smiled and nodded, "Definitely."

They walked next to each other, talking about whatever the hell came up. Kyoka was so happy and she was sure Momo was too. Lately, they've just been so close. It was too good to be true. Kyoka wanted this warm and comfortable moment to last forever.

Momo noticed Kyoka getting quiet. She peered down at Kyoka's happy face, "You went so quiet, but you look like you're going to burst from happiness. Did something happen?"

Kyoka blushed, "Haha, it's nothing. I'm just really enjoying this time with you."

Momo was flustered from hearing those words coming from Kyoka. Kyoka paused for a moment to take in what she had just said. Both of their faces immediately went red as a fresh tomato.

Kyoka stumbled on her words, "A-Ah... I didn't— Uh, well... I didn't e-exactly mean it that way or something, uh." Momo couldn't help but laugh. Kyoka felt the same. They both laughed at their dumb selves.

They had finally arrived at the mall. Momo asked, "What was it you were looking for again?"

Kyoka tried to collect her thoughts as she was was still trying to recover from what had happened, "I kind of need a bigger handbag to carry around."

Momo nodded, "Do you also want to grab a bite to eat while we look around?"

Kyoka nodded, "Sure."

Hours passed and before they even knew it, it was already 6 P.M., the same time the mall would be closing. Momo and Kyoka walked out.

Kyoka took in a deep breath and broke into a grin, "To be honest, if I hadn't met you, I wouldn't be able to enjoy such ordinary days like this."

Momo laughed, "I used to be so uptight and obsessed with studying, but I just can't help but enjoy days like these with you." They were both so happy, despite just doing something as simple as hanging out at a mall.

Momo turned on her phone and a look of horror appeared on her face. She awkwardly laughed, "Oh dear."

Kyoka asked, "Is something wrong?"

Momo shook her head, "I had just forgotten about my mother. She's a great mentor, but she strictly enforced a rule for me to be home by 5 P.M. Ever since I got into U.A., so many strange things have been happening at the school, such as the USJ Incident."

Kyoka leaned her head back and looked at the sunset, "That sucks. Do you want me to get you a ride or something?"

Momo laughed, "Its quite all right as long as I call my mother back and just get home without having to use a 'stranger's' car."

Kyoka snickered as she did an awkward bow, "Shall I escort you home, m'lady?"

Momo played along, "Of course, my most trusted knight."

Ooh, extra cheesy. Nice going, Kyoka. Surely the love of your life will be swooned by some dumb role play. Jirou Kyoka, get your act together! Kyoka was beginning to question her sanity.

Together, they walked off into the sunset towards Yaoyorozu Momo's huge ass mansion. Why is this so cheesy, Kyoka thought.

They talked for a long time... at least it felt like a long time. Eventually, they arrived at Momo's mansion.

Momo pressed on the speaker button, "Mother, I'm home. Sorry for being late. I was with my friend Jirou Kyoka, err, studying."

Momo's mom spoke through the speaker, "Fine, I'll let it go this one time. Is that clear, young lady? I'll open up the gates now." The gates opened and Momo hurried inside.

Momo waved, quickly turning back to look at Kyoka, "B-Bye, Kyoka!"

"See you, Momo," Kyoka said. She turned around and started to walk home, deep in trance with her thoughts. She quietly muttered to herself, "Sheesh, she is so cute. If I'd known I would fall in love with her adorable ass, I probably wouldn't have gotten this far."

Kyoka thought, Starting off as a trustworthy best friend is going to get me friend-zoned. Kyoka's phone buzzed. Momo? No, it was a text from Denki, sadly.

Denki: u still on ur daye with yaoyorozu????

Kyoka: I walked her home earlier and now I'm by myself;;

Denki: LOL nice going, jirou!11!1!

Kyoka cringed, Even the way he damn texts is annoying, but this doesn't seem like Denki... even though this person acts dumb.

Kyoka: u don't usually call Momo and I by our last names. you usually call Momo by "Yao-Momo" and you call me by my first name. you're not denki, are you?

He left Kyoka on read. She rolled her eyes, "Just one mystery to another. Great. First, I gotta find out if Momo likes me or something, and now I gotta figure out if Denki's phone got stolen or some shit."

Kyoka had finally made it home. She quickly walked to her bedroom. She put down her bag and stretched out onto her bed. "God, I'm so tired." Kyoka yawned and quickly fell asleep.

A/N: I doubt anyone would read fan fiction, but this was really fun to write. I hope you guys are enjoying this!!

Fun Fact: I only write these chapters when it's 12-4 A.M. I have no inspiration or even a will to live any earlier than that. Afternoons and mornings are not my thing at all.

See you next chapter! (hopefully)

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