Ch. 8

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Momo was once again startled by Kyoka's sudden question, "Of course I'm sure."

Kyoka raised a brow, "I just find it hard to believe."

Momo asked, "Why?"

Kyoka's eyes looked into Momo's. Kyoka looked hesitant and just shook her head, "Nevermind."

Momo was usually a reserved girl, but seeing Kyoka back out of whatever she was about to do slightly irritated her. She asked, "Kyoka, just what are you thinking of doing?"

Kyoka shrugged, "Something dumb."

Momo leaned in towards Kyoka's face, "Tell me."

Kyoka looked away from Momo's face, "Y-You're too close."

Momo's face inched a bit closer as her eyes sparkled as if she were amused, "Am I really?"

Kyoka blushed, "I want to say that I hate you right now."

Momo smiled, "So, just what were you so nervous to do?"

Kyoka stood on her toes and she cupped Momo's face, "God, you're too tall."

The taller girl's eyes widened, "W-Wait, Kyoka—"

Kyoka proceeded to crash her lips into Momo's. Momo had returned the kiss, but the kiss was only a few seconds long, like a peck on the lips rather than a full-on make-out session.

When they pulled away, they were both struggling to breathe out of embarrassment. Kyoka quickly apologized, "S-Sorry! This is why I didn't do it at first..."

Momo shook her head, "Actually— No, no, it's fine. I was just surprised."

Kyoka sighed in relief, "Okay, good." She looked around the room as if forgetting she was in a motel dorm room. "I'm gonna go... catch my breath or whatever. Call me if you need me," Kyoka said. "I'll always be there for you anyway."

Kyoka hesitantly turned around to the exit had left.

Momo started wheezing, "Tooru..."

Tooru squealed, "AaAaah! You knew I was there the whole time?"

Momo sighed, "You really think I wouldn't notice floating clothing behind those boxes?"

Tooru asked, "That's not important! So you and Kyoka are like, dating now?"

Momo awkwardly shifted, "I never really asked her about that..."

Tooru appeared to have facepalmed because her shirt sleeve was lifted and a sound of a smack was heard. It was a weird description, but the girls in class 1-A have managed to picture what the invisible girl was doing.

Momo frowned in frustration, "I don't know anymore. Help me, please."

Tooru joked, "Well, don't ask me. Mina is definitely a lot more skilled on this matter. I'm kind of a hopeless romantic, you know?"

Momo was confused, "Hopeless?"

Tooru sighed, "Yeah, I never take the initiative with my crush. We talk a lot, but then it's like I'm being friend-zoned or something. Actually, it's like we're both being friend-zoned. At the same time... if that makes sense. Anyway, the two of us have never progressed anything or whatever. It's kinda sad."

Momo thought about it for a moment. She asked, "Am I a hopeless romantic as well?"

Tooru awkwardly agreed, "Y-Yeah! Even though you two were kissing like, two minutes ago, you guys never go anywhere beyond friendship. No one would ever even guess you two liked each other."

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