Ch. 17

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It was already Day 6. The 1-A students were going home soon, so everyone decided to throw parties for the "last" day of vacation since the actual last day was meant for cleaning up and packing.

Denki grinned, "Ladies, ladies, join in on the fun!"

Kyoka cringed, "Not with that grape midget around."

Ochaco nodded, "Yeah, I'll pass."

Shouto groaned and pushed Minoru out of the way, "Minoru, please don't make the girls uncomfortable."

Izuku smiled, "Sorry about him. Tenya, Shouto, Denki, and I worked really hard to set up the party. Aizawa-Sensei was even willing to rent a place for us to party for the next 2 days. It'd be nice if all of you guys could join in."

Ochaco's eyes sparkled, "Aw! How could we not join in if you say you worked hard on it?"

Mashirao nodded, "Yeah, it'd be a waste."

Tooru snuck up on Mashirao from behind and gave him a tight hug that surprised him, "Awwwh! You're so sweet, Tail Boy! C'mon, dance with me!"

Mashirao blushed, "H-Hey, I thought we talked about you calling me Tail B—"

Mina rolled her eyes, "C'mon, you big loser. Just dance with her."

Tsuyu sighed, "Kero. You really should. You might regret it once Tooru finds a hot guy to date."

Mashirao's cheeks fased into a really bright shade of red and he yelled, "Okay! Okay! I'll dance with her..."

Momo clapped her hands together and excitedly said, "Oh, that reminds me—"

Kyoka offered her hand to Momo's and smiled, "Already one step ahead of ya. Come on."

Momo slowly took Kyoka's hands and together, they danced away.

Everybody seemed to have been having a great time. Everyone was being loud and wild too, so it gave Kyoka and Momo a great chance to talk.

Kyoka tugged at Momo's dress and pulled her out of the rented building. Kyoka and Momo sat down on the stairs to the entrance of the building.

"The party was truly a lovely idea! I heard Izuku was behind the entire thing." Momo happily giggled, "Although, your idea of sneaking out of that cramped room is a lot better."

"I kind of wanted to ask about something," Kyoka tilted her head. She traced her finger around the rim of the cup she brought along with her outside.

Momo asked, "Is something wrong?"

Kyoka shook her head, "No. Well, maybe. Depends how you look at it, I guess."

She paused for a moment to take a swig of her drink.

"I just wanted to ask you if you were happy with me. I don't remember if I've asked that before, but I just want to be clear with you. Everything's been kind of a blur, to be honest. Everyday is just with you. I'm not saying it's a bad thing either. In fact, this past week has been incredible with you," Kyoka started rambling on. "I might seem a little repetitive, but I seriously want to make sure. I love you so, so, so much. Everyday with you is practically like a dream. I just can't believe I'm here, in love, dating the girl of my dreams. Isn't it a little wild?"

Momo blushed, "W-Wait, where are you going with this?"

Kyoka chuckled, "Are you happy with me?"

"Is that all?"

"Uh, yeah."

Momo rolled her eyes, "Honestly, who do you think you are to be in the position of asking me that? Of course, I'm happy. Like you said, everyday with you is amazing. I can't possibly describe it into words."

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