Ch. 13

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Kyoka's POV

I lied down on my futon, but felt uncomfortable just a few minutes later. I just wanted to sleep. How hard could that possibly be? Well, it was pretty damn hard. Why? Well, Momo decided to be a little bold and move her futon even closer to mine. It is definitely 10 times harder to sleep with the love of your life literally breathing down your neck.

I turned around to face Momo. She seemed to be asleep. I brushed her hair out of her face so I could get a better look of her sleeping face.

I softly smiled to myself. She was absolutely adorable.

I inched closer to give her a kiss on her forehead. I guess Momo sleeping right next to me wasn't that bad.

I slowly closed my eyes with my face facing Momo's. Instead of falling asleep like I'd hoped for, I felt a tug on my shirt instead. I opened my eyes and saw that Momo was awake.

I quietly squeaked, careful to not wake up the other girls, "M-Momo, you were awake?" God, that's embarrassing. Not to mention, the current situation was kinda cliché.

Momo was deeply blushing. Her face was completely hot pink, "H-hey, K-Kyoka..." She buried her face under her blanket.


Momo moved her hand from my shirt to my hand, "Can you do that again?"

I could not believe what I was hearing. I don't think words could possibly express how embarrassed I was. Momo was asking me to kiss her again.

I hesitated for a moment, but I obliged. I held her hand and gave her a peck on her forehead.

Momo whispered, "Your lips. They're warm."

I looked into Momo's eyes. She was so beautiful. I slid a little bit towards Momo and held her in my arms. Although, I was tiny compared to her. She hugged me back and kissed me on the cheek.

I quietly laughed, "I can't believe how in love I am with you right now."

Momo made direct eye contact with me, "Me too."

I uncontrollably switched my eyes from her eyes to her soft lips. We were just so close and it was the perfect moment. I just had to.

I caressed her cheek and kissed her. Thankfully, she kissed back. However, instead of a quick fluffy kiss, in just a quick second, I was on top of her. I began to use tongue, hoping for access to explore her mouth. Fortunately, she had decided to use tongue as well. We fought for dominance with our tongues. I pinned her down by both of her arms and fought back harder with my tongue.

Unfortunately, Momo had the advantage in size and physical strength, so she didn't let the opportunity slip to flip me over by using her legs to trip me so she was on top. This time, she decided to pin me down using the same method I had used.

After a good minute or so, we stopped to catch our breaths. Instead of continuing, Momo's cheeks flared up quickly as she hid her face with her hands. She stuttered, "G-goodnight." With that, she quickly turned away from me.

I sighed, "Goodnight." I wasn't too disappointed we just left it like that, but the two of us already knew we wouldn't be able to exactly stop if we continued any further. We were in a room in a motel with 4 other girls after all.

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