Ch. 3

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It was finally the day of U.A.'s one week vacation to Kyoto. Kyoka had finally decided on a plan. She was going to confess to Momo while they viewed the sakura trees. Romantic or cheesy? Kyoka didn't really care, she just needed to get it off her chest. It was weird for her to hold back anything.

Aizawa-Sensei stood in front of the crowd of U.A.'s 1-A class students at the train station. He made everybody calm down and began to remind the class of the safety rules.

"Don't kill or get killed. I'm talking to you two, Bakugo and Midoriya."

Izuku nervously glanced around and fidgeted, "Y-Yes, sir! I promise not to get killed..."

Katsuki muttered, "Deku's the one you gotta worry 'bout, not me. Sheesh."

The class snickered quietly, being careful not to anger Katsuki.

Aizawa-Sensei rolled his eyes, "Just don't make any trouble. Now go before I regret this."

The entire 1-A class excitedly entered their designated train. Naturally, Momo and Kyoka sat right next to each other. Momo gave Kyoka a soft smile, a smile that could make just about anybody's heart burst into butterflies.

She asked, "Are you excited, Kyoka? I certainly am."

Kyoka nodded, "Y-Yeah! 'Course I am. How could I not be?" I'm totally looking forward to my soon-to-be rejection.

There was a small explosion that sounded not too far from the train they were in.

The speaker turned on. It was Aizawa-Sensei's voice, "Attention students, there are villains blocking the only route to Kyoto. The professional heroes will take care of it, as they are only minor and inconvenient villains. Students, remain within the bus. This issue should be solved within an hour or so. Leave it to the pros."

Denki chuckled, "Haha... that rhymed."

Kyoka teased, "What're you? A god damn six year old?" 

Denki shook his head in denial, "Sh-Shut up, Kyoka! I am so not a six year old."

Kyoka rolled her eyes, "Right, right." Then, she remembered what had happened last week. There was something weird going on with Denki when he had texted her.

"Hey Denki, what happened last week? When you texted me, you seemed really off. I mean, you're always weird, but you know... weirder." Kyoka just couldn't resist teasing Denki in any way possible.

Denki shrugged, "Eh, it was an off day for me. Can ya really blame me?"

Kyoka raised an eyebrow at Denki's sudden ability to speak as if he wasn't a gorilla. I guess he probably did feel off, or whatever, Kyoka noted. "Man, you really scared me that day. I swear, had I remembered, I would have whooped your—"

Kyoka felt a little weight on her right shoulder. Denki covered his mouth in shock and then wriggled his eyebrows towards Kyoka. It was Momo, falling asleep on Kyoka's shoulders.

Izuku glanced over at Kyoka and Momo. He said, "Yao-Momo must really be tired. She was really excited this morning too. Probably couldn't sleep at all last night, knowing her."

Todoroki was sitting next to Tenya, Izuku, and Katsuki, so naturally he had to listen in on the conversation if Izuku had joined in. He asked, "Should Momo really be this relaxed with a villain not too far from this train? I thought All Might would be on duty and notice this issue. It should be fixed within ten minutes, not an hour."

Kyoka rolled her eyes, "Oh come on... Let her sleep, you guys. You guys better shut the hell up. If she wakes up from you guys being too loud, I'll personally come over there and kick your asses."

Denki clearly tried to imitate Momo, "Oh, Kyoka! My knight in shining armor! How will I repay you? Perhaps with a kiss on the—" He had talked a little too loud.

Katsuki suddenly stood up. He had been asleep the entire time. No wonder it'd been so quiet. He glared at Denki, "Shut up. I'm trying to sleep." His voice was uncomfortably calm.

Izuku's eyes widened, "K-Kacchan? Are you okay?"

Katsuki looked down at Izuku. His eyes were bloodshot. "Deku, you better shut the fuck up too." With that, he sat back down and passed out immediately.

Todoroki was confused and probably too shocked to even convey emotion, "What was that all about? That wasn't like him at all."

Izuku grew a little anxious and stared whispering, "W-Well, this is just a guess, but he was probably too excited to sleep too. He was always like this when we were younger."

Kyoka was growing a little impatient and probably would have screamed at the boys if Momo hadn't been sleeping on her shoulder. She spoke in a lower voice, "Can you guys just shut up already?"

The boys had already started whispering to each other, but that was only after the event with Katsuki that had happened just now.

Man, I just wanna hug her right now, but everyone's here...

Kyoka tilted her head to the side so she could rest her head on Momo's. She felt her eyes getting heavy. The truth was, she couldn't sleep either. She was too busy thinking on how to confess to Momo, but at this point... the plan might as well have been scratched off.

Jirou Kyoka, a person who never kept things to herself, didn't want to confess because she didn't want to ruin her friendship with Momo. I'm so pathetic, Kyoka thought as she rolled her eyes.

A/N: Hey, y'all. My chapters have been so short lately... :,)) uhh, anyway, I have no life, so I've just been wasting my time writing these dumb fan fiction stories yikes.

Thank you for over 50 reads!

See you next chapter!

Update: This fic is still in the process of being proof readed so if you see updates on chapters already done, you'll know why

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