Ch. 5

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Momo glared at Kyoka, "I can't believe—"

Kyoka grinned, "Oh, don't tell me you're actually mad at me for not kissing you."

Momo's face flared up, "I am not mad! I'm just slightly frustrated that you decided to just stop right there when we were already so close..."

The two students were sitting on a bench at a park. They ditched their idea to eat at a restaurant and just decided to hang out. They bought a few snacks along the way so they wouldn't completely starve.

Kyoka asked, "Did you really want me to kiss you back there?"

Momo shrugged, "I wouldn't mind either way, but I suppose it would've been better if you did." She sighed and just smiled, "But trust me, I'm not mad about you not kissing me."

Kyoka jokingly asked, "Did you really think I'm into bad girls?"

Momo blurted out, "If Denki were a girl, that's what I would assume he would be."

Kyoka's face felt hot due to embarrassment, "Th-That's just ridiculous. I don't even like him."

Momo said, "I know, but you two are really close and I thought-"

Kyoka tilted her head back and started laughing, "You shouldn't be telling me all of this unless you have feelings for me, Momo."

Momo went quiet.

Kyoka glanced over her shoulder, avoiding eye contact with Momo. She apologized, "Sorry, that's a confusing topic, right?"

Momo nervously laughed, "Not exactly."

There was a silence between them for a while. They both didn't want to push the conversation too far because their friendship could've been on the line.

Momo quickly changed the topic and asked about Kyoka's day, "S-So how has your day been? This vacation seems to be going a lot smoother than I expected."

Kyoka was deep in thought. She wanted to talk to Momo about their relationship and how they felt about each other, but Momo was obviously not up to it.

Momo noticed Kyoka wasn't answering and looked at her, "Kyoka, are you okay?"

Kyoka met Momo's eyes and she sighed, "I don't know."

Momo immediately felt guilty as soon as she met with Kyoka's eyes. It was her fault Kyoka was feeling this way. The chances of a possible future relationship began to get slimmer right in front of them.

Kyoka began to get up, "I'm feeling a little tired today. I'll get back earlier. I'll be in that motel the school booked." Her voice was cold and distant. She walked away.

Somehow, Momo felt like she didn't do the right thing by keeping quiet. She had practically ran away from the opportunity Kyoka had given her. Perhaps Kyoka was being too harsh about it? Maybe Momo just was too oblivious to understand?

Momo quietly sat there by herself, thinking about what she had done wrong and what she should have done to prevent Kyoka from hurting any further. It was so confusing. What was this feeling Momo felt towards Kyoka?

Perhaps it was love, but Momo knew she wouldn't be able to process complex emotions like that. Especially towards someone as special as Kyoka. She really meant the world to Momo, she couldn't risk losing her.

Momo got up from the bench, looking around to see if Kyoka was still around. Gone. Momo disappointingly sighed and headed back to the motel.

At least Kyoka said she'd be at the motel and didn't just run off and disappear like a protagonist of a drama.

When Momo made it to the motel, Uraraka greeted her. "You're back early, Yao-Momo," Ochaco said as she carried a few boxes to the rooms.

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