Ch. 6

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Momo went up to Kyoka as soon as Tsuyu and Tooru had left the room. Momo apologized as sincerely as possible, "Kyoka, I swear, I am so so so sorry. Please forgive me, I didn't understand what you wanted and I just—"

Kyoka's eyes fixated to the floor rather than Momo's eyes. Her shoulders slumped and she just sighed, "I know, I know. You're too good for me, honestly. This might be a little selfish of me, but I don't think we could ever work out. I'm just too much of a dirty person. The fact I'm even so close to you still surprises me."

Kyoka finally looked up at Momo and Momo's eyes were glossy. Kyoka gave a small smile, as if to say Don't worry about it.

Momo pleaded, "I really don't understand what you mean at all. To be honest, I should have been the one to say I didn't deserve you. Kyoka, just once, please open up to me. I want to be apart of your world."

Kyoka was caught off guard by that last line, "H-Ha... part of my world? Momo, you really don't get what your own words mean, huh?"

Momo blushed, "Does that really matter at the moment? What I'm trying to say here is th—"

Kyoka interrupted, "Man, you sure are cute rambling on like this. You're usually not so open about your feelings, so this is a once in a life time opportunity."

Momo went quiet.

Kyoka quickly apologized, "A-Ah... sorry, sorry. I was getting ahead of myself, right? I'm not the best person out there as you can already tell, but—"

Momo shook her head, "No, that's not why I went quiet..."

Kyoka was surprised, "Oh? Then what was the reason that you didn't respond?"

Momo's eyes averted to the floor suddenly, "E-Eh... you called me cute, didn't you?"

Kyoka laughed, "God, have you always been this adorable?"

Momo's cheeks turned even redder than they were before, "Kyoka, don't tell me you're flirting with me right now..."

Kyoka flashed an 'innocent' smile and just giggled, "I dunno."

Momo just smiled, "Gosh, I really don't know what I'd do without you."

Kyoka replied, "I should be the one saying that."

They sat there in silence. The atmosphere was awkward, but kind of nice in a romantic kind of way.

Kyoka fidgeted with her ear jacks and informed Momo, "Th-There's a firework show at the nearby park and—"

Momo was delighted, "Oh? Shall we go together then?"

Kyoka joked, "Man, you sure are fast at catching on."

A few hours had passed and the firework show Kyoka had mentioned was just about to start. Kyoka and Momo walked together to the park with their hands entangled together.

When they arrived at the park, they chose to sit at an area closest to the center fountain.

Momo asked out of no where, "What are we?"

Kyoka was caught off guard by the question, "G-Gosh, I don't know..." It was too embarrassing for Kyoka to just bluntly say something like, "We're girlfriends of course!" or something along those lines.

Momo disappointingly dropped her head, "A-Ah..."

Kyoka still wanted to properly confess to Momo even though she already knew.

Kyoka stammered, fidgeting with her ear jacks, "M-Momo, there's something I've always wanted to tell you..."

Momo's head perked up, "What is it Kyoka?"

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