Ch. 4

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Two whole hours had passed by and Aizawa-Sensei had finally come back. The bus had finally started moving too. Aizawa-Sensei made another announcement and this time, he spoke in person instead of over the speaker. "The situation's calmed down now," Aizawa-Sensei said with no clear emotion. "It took a little longer than expected though, but don't worry. We're here to take a break."

Momo was surprisingly still asleep. Kyoka has taken a quick nap earlier, but woke up not too long ago. Kyoka quietly muttered to herself, "Man, does she usually sleep this much?" It was cute of Momo to just rest her head on Kyoka's shoulder, but Kyoka felt like her heart was about to burst.

Denki stood up and made his way to the seat next to Kyoka's. Kyoka scooted a little bit towards Momo, in clear annoyance. She had nothing against Denki. In fact, Denki and Kyoka were really close. She was just annoyed by him often, not to mention she just wanted to be with Momo at the moment.

Denki grinned, "S-So, you enjoying yourself over here? You know, by yourself... with Yao-Momo...?"

Kyoka rolled her eyes, "Shut it, you're being too loud. I'll actually kill you if she wakes up because of your loud ass."

Denki gasped and put a hand over his mouth, clearly trying to show his dumb sarcasm, "Oh! It'd be a shame if she were to wake up to the noises of you strangling me! Perhaps she'd wake up to the noises of you screaming your head off at me... or maybe wake up to your sweet moans as yo—"

Kyoka used her ear jacks to poke Denki in both eyes, "Die."

Denki swiped away her ear jacks and looked at Kyoka in a more serious way, "Kyoka, I actually wanted to ask you something."

Kyoka rolled her eyes, "What do you want?"

Denki smiled, "Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go walk around Kyoto's famous attractions or have dinner togeth—" He stopped himself for a moment. He blushed and started freaking out, "O-Oh, man... I didn't actually expect myself to say that! Sheesh, I'm so pathetic..."

Kyoka looked over at Momo and then back at Denki, "You already know who I like. I'd like it better if we just... go together as friends. Sorry, Denki."

Denki shrugged, "I probably ruined the mood for you and Momo anyway. I expected that answer. It's whatever... I just wanted to get it out of my system, I was kinda going crazy, y'know."

Kyoka smiled, "That's good to know. I appreciate your confidence to actually say this to me."

Denki nodded, "Y-Yeah. I'll be heading over to... uh, that group over there." He walked off to the group Kirishima was with.

Kyoka felt a little twitch on her shoulder. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. She didn't hear anything right? Denki is so dumb to say that to me with a sleeping person around, oh my God. Kyoka's mind raced.

Momo put her head up immediately after realizing her head was resting on Kyoka's shoulder and apologized to Kyoka, "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep on your shoulder like that..."

Kyoka smiled, "Nah, it's all good. You were tired, I get it. Besides, I kinda fell asleep on you too anyway. Don't worry about it."

Momo blushed, "O-Oh! Thank you for being so nice. You've always been so nice to me, actually. It makes me feel kinda special compared to how to talk to Denki. A-Ah, that's a little rude of me to say..."

Kyoka smirked, "I mean, you aren't wrong about you being special."

Momo shook her head in embarrassment, "N-No, surely that's not true..."

Kyoka stopped herself before continuing her teasing. She noticed Momo's sad facial expression.

She asked, "Momo, what's wrong?"

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