Ch. 11

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Kyoka grinned, "I haven't been to a carnival in such a long time! It's been what, 10 years? I mean, once I started attending school I was more fixated on becoming a pro hero, so I guess having fun wasn't really my thing. In fact, I was quite timid as a kid. It's... nice to be here."

Momo was shocked to learn so much about Kyoka from just one gesture. Her heart ached, but in a good way. Momo lit up, "I'm glad you feel that way about my choice of bringing you here. I thought you might have wanted something a little fun to light up your day."

Kyoka pointed to a few of the rides, "Oh, those look so fun!"

Momo's eye twitched. The ride names weren't exactly kid-friendly. In fact, many of the rides Kyoka seemed to have taken interest in had names like Death Scream! or Disaster Spin!, which was definitely not something to look forward to unless you were someone like Kyoka.

Kyoka held Momo's hand in a tight grip and dragged her along to one of the rides. Momo felt her stomach turn a bit. Of course, Momo enjoyed the physical contact quite a lot, but what made Momo feel so ill was the very first ride Kyoka picked out.

The ride was a roller coaster painted with the warm colors of the rainbow: red, orange, and yellow. It had a large circular train-shaped cart that could fit 8 passengers. Each seat had bars to hang onto and thick seatbelts that seemed somewhat safe enough.

Momo stared fearfully stared at the ride, "A-Are you sure you want to ride this one first?"

Kyoka began to turn back, "We can, um, go to a different ride if you don't want t—"

Momo's grip tightened on Kyoka's hand. The light and excitement in Kyoka's eyes had already died out as soon as Momo said that. Was Kyoka really willing to just drop what she wants to do all because Momo seemed afraid? "I was... only asking because... it's you know, strange to go on such an intense ride as your first pick."

Kyoka smiled, "Really?"

Momo nodded, "Of course. I... love these type of rides..."

Kyoka's passion returned to her face again. She must really love nearly dying if she enjoyed rides such as her first choice.

Momo didn't dare thinking of letting go of Kyoka's hand at this point. Thankfully, it didn't seem like Kyoka cared.

After a few minutes of waiting in line, the worker managing the line walked up to them. "You're up next. Group of 2?"

"Yes, sir!" Kyoka was practically beaming at this point.

The worker announced, "Alright, we'll be taking a group of 6 more people!"

A man called out from behind the two girls, "We're a group of 6!"

The two groups sat into the long cart. Everyone seemed excited except Momo. She felt like she was holding onto Kyoka a little too tightly because Kyoka seemed to have shown concern.

Kyoka tilted her head, "You okay? We can still get off if you want. You don't gotta force yours—"

Momo managed a grin, "No, no, I'm just... not really used to this. You know, I'm that typical rich scholar. A shut-in, basically. I'll be fine."

Kyoka frowned, "Are you sure? I'd much rather have you happy than me."

Momo rolled her eyes, "You're too selfless." Momo grabbed Kyoka's arm, "Sometimes it's irritating because you should care about your own happiness as well."

Kyoka smirked, "That makes the two of us then?"

Momo nodded, "We're too similar."

After a minute of setting up everyone's seatbelt, the ride began to move. It started slowly, but right after there was a huge speed boost, preparing for the very long drop that would come right after.

Momo felt hopeless and began to scream at the drop. Kyoka was just laughing and enjoying herself. Momo yelled as loud as possible so Kyoka would hear, "Are you insane?! How could you like these type of rides?!"

Kyoka just grinned and rugged on Momo's arm. "Relax, it's not that bad!" Her smile was a little too persuasive for Momo's taste because it actually tricked Momo to relax. Of course, there was a big drop right afterwards. Fortunately, Kyoka was caring enough to wrap an arm around Momo before she could start hyperventilating.

As they got off, Momo noticed her heartbeat not going any slower, but she also seemed to have a small smile. In a way, Momo did enjoy the ride, but she felt like she enjoyed Kyoka's affection more than the ride to hell itself.

Kyoka pointed to another ride. It was a smaller and slower ride. Kyoka jokingly asked, "Think you can handle this?"

Momo blushed, "Of course, I can. I wouldn't mind going on another ride like the one we just went on. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of."

Kyoka held Momo's hand again and softly smiled at the ground so Momo couldn't see, "You're not being honest. Let's just go on the smaller rides, c'mon."

Momo nodded, "Okay."

Kyoka scrunched her eyebrows together and her eyes widened. She had realized something. Kyoka quickly dragged Momo to the nearest bench to sit down. "Hey, we gotta talk, Momo," Kyoka softly said.

Momo was terrified at this point. She asked, "What's wrong?"

Kyoka began talking, "I l-like you a lot. I really mean it, b-but this isn't you. I mean, you seemed to have enjoyed the ride, but you're not yourself right now. You're pushing yourself to enjoy this date too much. I know you planned this all, but I want you to fully enjoy this date."

Momo cupped Kyoka's face and kissed her. She smiled, "I'm enjoying the date. You've got it all wrong, I really am. I'm just really nervous, that's why I'm not really myself, you know? It's weird to explain, but I seriously like you and I just want this date to be perfect."

Kyoka blushed, "Did you just kiss me first? Oh God, I— uh, jeez... I've got no words left to say anymore, uh... I, um, well— You know what? Let's just stop talking and go on that ride you wanted to go on earlier... ah... hah..."

Momo's stomach fluttered, "A-Ah, okay. Also, it's about 3 P.M. right now. This establishment closes at 8 P.M. Do you want to leave early eventually or stay here until it closes?"

Kyoka raised an eyebrow, "I've got my own plans too, Momo. Let's leave at around 5."

They began to walk off to one of the more dangerous rides, hand in hand. Lately, they've felt like they've just been holding onto each other practically everyday. Not to mention, they've been growing as people the longer they're with each other.

A/N: Well, this was kind of a boring chapter tbh I'm starting to lose interest in writing this

Anyway, thank you so much for the amount of support!! I cant thank you guys enough oh my goshshh

See you next chapter!! <33

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