Ch. 2

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Aizawa-Sensei glared at his students. There was a long silence, as if he didn't want to give out his long-awaited announcement.

He took out a sheet of paper and let out an exhausted sigh, "The entire school will be awarded with... a school trip... err, vacation, actually. It may be a fun school trip, but don't forget you are all heroes in training, so keep your guard up."

Iida immediately sprung up, asking questions at literally 256 words a second.

Aizawa-Sensei took out a pamphlet that was titled Class 1-A Trip Schedule and Guide. He held it up for the class to see, "This. Don't lose it. It's going to be what we'll be doing for an entire week."

The class all lit up. They all shouted in unison, "An entire week?!"

Aizawa-Sensei nodded. "Class rep and vice, pass out these pamphlets," Aizawa-Sensei muttered, "Whatever, I'll just get back to bed."

Momo and Iida stood up to pass out the papers. Everyone was shocked to see that there wasn't a single training day in the week of their trip.

Aizawa-Sensei sighed sadly, "This is the first year U.A. teachers are taking such a long break, but there has been too much lately, even the principal decided to hold off your training. The pros are handling everything else, so don't worry about anything."

Everyone in class yelled in excitement, "Alright!"

The bell rung and it was break time. Everyone sprung from their seats to talk to their friend.

Kyoka made her way to Momo's desk and grinned, holding up the pamphlet, "We get rooms and hot springs separated by gender. Don't gotta worry about bratty Mineta for the week, huh?"

Momo was beyond delighted, "O-Oh, is that so? What a relief."

Kyoka laughed. She really enjoyed the thought of being able to just be with Momo for the entire week. Kyoka stuttered, "S-So, whaddya plan to do during the trip?"

Momo quickly read over the pamphlet, "Well, we're going to Kyoto for the trip. To be honest, the only thing I have in mind is just hanging out in the dorms with you and maybe going out to eat at one of Kyoto's famous restaurants."

Kyoka deadpanned. Did I hear that correctly? "Hanging out in the dorms with you"... oh god... She did. Kyoka awkwardly grinned and was about to explode, "Sounds like a plan!"

Momo smiled, "Kyoka, you've been different these days."

Kyoka's pulse sped up and she started fidgeting with her ear jacks, "O-Oh, really? I didn't notice, sor—"

Momo stuttered, "Wh-Why are you apologizing? I meant it in... I meant it in a good way. A g-good kind of different."

Kyoka calmed down a little and even stopped fidgeting, "How so? I don't really feel any different or whatever..." She couldn't have found out I liked her...

Momo thought about it for a while and clapped her hands together, "Perhaps you've found someone youve taken interest in?"

Kyoka avoided eye contact, "Pff, sure. I'm not really sure what you're getting at here..." She began fidgeting with her ear jacks again.

Momo began to 'correct' herself, "Oh, you're right. That doesn't really sound like you... Maybe someone or something has been making you really happy? I'm not sure what this change in you is, but it's quite refreshing."

Kyoka chuckled, "Refreshing?"

Momo's cheeks flushed, "Oh, my apologies. I meant to say that it was quite... cute?"

Kyoka, once again, had to avoid eye contact, otherwise she would have basically died. She nervously laughed, trying to hide her red face. She really called me cute? What did I even do to deserve this, oh my God.

She quickly decided to change the subject and flipped through the pamphlets, "T-There seems to be a lot of tourist attractions we could check out. Kyoto is kinda big, y'know?"

Kyoka sighed in relief for the quick recovery.

Momo's eyes beamed and she nodded, "You're right, Kyoka! We should visit as much as we can together. My favorite place is definitely the Kamo River. It's still spring, so the cherry blossoms will be exceptionally beautiful. Philosopher's Walk is another site we should definitely visit as well. I just love the cherry blossoms there."

Kyoka softly smiled. It was cute watching Momo babbling about Kyoto. It was almost like she was planning their date. Well, at least that was all Kyoka was thinking of to compare with whatever Momo was babbling about.

Kyoka asked, "You've been to Kyoto before?"

Momo grinned, "Of course I have. I often visit my family there and sometimes vacation there. Although, I'm not sure if it would be considered a vacation since it's not very far from here."

Kyoka teased, "'Course you've been there. What could I expect from a rich girl?"

Momo gasped, "Don't tell me you haven't been there before? I must show you around! Well, if you don't mind, of course."

Kyoka shrugged, "I mean, sure. I don't mind."

The bell rung.

Aizawa-Sensei walked in, "Get back into your seats, brats."

He looked around the room to see everyone as pumped up as ever, "Bakugou, stop harassing Midoriya. Kaminari and Mineta, please stop eyeing the girls, it's making everyone here uncomfortable. Iida, I know you're just doing your job, but stop shouting at people. I'm not having a very good day, so just calm the hell down."

The class said in unison, "Yes, sensei!"

A/N: Thanks for the 40 reads, y'all. It's not a lot, but I'm happy about it. Sorry for the short chapter btw yikes :(( I've been really lazy

Cya next chapter!

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