Ch. 7

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Kyoka ran into the dorms, "M-Momo, I'm back!" She looked around and saw Momo on the floor with her back facing Kyoka, sniffling to herself. "A-Are you crying?"

Momo quickly wiped her tears away and turned around to look at Kyoka. Her stormy black eyes glistened in the light. Her eyes were puffy and had a tint of pink.

Kyoka quickly sat next to Momo on the floor. She embraced Momo and used her ear jacks to wipe Momo's tears away. "What's wrong?"

Momo laughed, but it wasn't because she was happy. It was like a laugh trying to shrug away something embarrassing. "I don't know," Momo said, "It's really dumb. I really do hate myself for this."

Kyoka was slightly offended in a way because Momo said she hated herself. She tried her best to comfort Momo, "H-Hey, you can tell me anything. I won't judge you."

Momo deeply stared into Kyoka's eyes, "You promise?"

Kyoka nodded, "Of course."

"It's because of you and Denki," Momo said hesitantly.

Kyoka was shocked, "Wh-What? What'd I do wrong? What did we do wrong?"

Momo averted her eyes from Kyoka and sighed, "I really think I could lose you to him. He's doing nothing wrong, but I've been doubting myself for the longest time."

Kyoka reassured Momo, "As if you could lose me. Didn't I basically confess to you back there? I'm definitely not interested in Denki anyway."

Momo's face lit up, "Really?"

Kyoka grinned, "We're just best friends and that's about it."

Momo frowned, "Are we not best friends then?"

Kyoka rolled her eyes, "Can't I have two and have a relationship with one of them?"

Momo blushed and looked at the floor as if there was something a lot more interesting there than the embarrassing conversation. She then laughed, "Kyoka, at first glance, I would've seen you as some sort of klutz that was into vulgar music and activities, but you're actually very funny and suave, I suppose."

Kyoka snorted, "First glance or not, you're a dork."

Momo asked, "This may be a sudden question, but why do you like me?"

Kyoka teased up at the question. She felt like she was sweating already, "I mean, I originally just liked you for your looks—"

Momo felt like she was going to boil with anger, "What?"

Kyoka noticed Momo's angered facial expression and immediately put her hands up as if expecting a slap, "A-Ah! That was what I had originally though, but I got to know you better and fell in love with your personality. I genuinely th-thought your personality was unique b-because you were a smart rich girl, yet you were so kind and beautiful on the inside!"

Momo was embarrassed and shy all of a sudden, "Y-You fell in love with my personality? I find that quite unbelievable."

She paused for a moment.

Then she asked, "Are rich girls usually not kind and beautiful?"

Kyoka scoffed, "Hah, they're usually all stuck up, you know? That's why you're different."

Momo nodded, "Well, what if I was a stuck up rich girl?"

Kyoka truthfully answered, "Then I most likely wouldn't want to talk with you at all, or worst case scenario, like you for your appearance only."

Momo smiled, "It's good to know I wasn't raised to be spoiled then."

Kyoka then grinned, "Well, looks like it's my turn to ask questions."

Momo was surprised, "Your turn? Since when were we even playing a game to ask questions?"

Kyoka held her pointer finger to her lips to signal to be quiet. She mischievously smirked, "I mean, we have been going back and forth asking questions. Might as well."

Momo sighed in defeat, "Fine. Go ahead and ask a question."

Kyoka averted her eyes towards the wall, as if she was going to ask something embarrassing.

"Do you like anyone at the moment? I mean, you probably do— A-Ah, if you do, definitely someone strong and smart like Shouto or Izuku! Am I right?" Kyoka tilted her head a bit to look at Momo's eyes. She seemed anxious for Momo's answer.

"I-I'm not very sure. I've never been particularly interested in romance since I've been raised in a strict and closed-off household," Momo hesitantly replied, "But what I do know is that the closest I've ever been with a person is whenever I'm with you." She innocently blushed, as if not meaning to say something embarrassing.

Kyoka sighed in relief, "God, if you liked someone like Shouto or Izuku, I would have literally no chance against them."

Momo noted, "You've been a lot more confident and sly lately."

Kyoka scratched her head, "I haven't really noticed that. I guess so. I'm not sure if I properly confessed to you or not, but you definitely know. No point in being shy and hiding now. Especially since you haven't pushed me away yet."

"Now it's my turn," Momo said. She thought about it for a moment. Her face lit up red, but her eyes said determination as if to say 'If Kyoka is going to be confident, so do I.' She asked, "What if I liked you back?"

Kyoka chuckled, "Oh man, I wouldn't believe it at all." Kyoka paused. She blinked multiple times as if she was seeing illusions. She asked, "Why are you asking this? D-Don't tell me that—"

Momo's face steamed, "D-Didn't I just say I wasn't interested in anybody at the moment?"

Kyoka leaned a little closer to Momo and whispered, "Are you sure?"

A/N: edit: crap i forgot my usual Author's Note at the end.

Update: This fic is still in the process of being proof readed so if you see updates on chapters already done, you'll know why

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