Ch. 9

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"We're back!" Momo called out to the other girls without hesitation. She already knew everyone would be awake despite it being 12 at night.

Ochaco was puzzled, "Gosh, I didn't think Aizawa-Sensei would actually allow you two to be alone at night for that long."

Kyoka took a quick look at the clock and raised an eyebrow, "What? It's only 12."

Mina perked up, "Only 12 my ass! I'm so used to sleeping at least 10 hours a day on the weekends and holidays, but now we have to wake up early for this dumb trip. If I stay up for too long, I'm practically a goner."

All of the 1-A girls except Momo started arguing on whether 12 was late or not. It was just a casual debate on a clearly important subject.

"12 is literally just the peak of midnight," Kyoka rolled her eyes.

Mina was shocked, "You say 12 is early because it's barely midnight? Jesus, you must be one of 'em night owls!"

Tsuyu whispered, "Shut it, the teachers and boys are next door!"

After a few minutes of immature bickering, Ochaco kind of just sat there lifelessly. She was already too worn out at this point to argue any further. Momo also began to grow a little sleepy and she just went to bed.

Kyoka was naturally the first to notice Momo going to sleep. She stammered, "G-Guys, shut up!"

Tooru snickered, "You really gonna stop our very mature debate just so your girlfriend can get her beauty sleep?"

Kyoka accidentally snapped, "Yes!"

Tsuyu pointed out, "I think you said that too loud."

Kyoka furiously blushed in embarrassment, "Sh-Shut it!

Ochaco barely managed to get a peep out of her mouth, "Ah... hah... You didn't deny the fact that... Momo is your girl... fr—"

Tsuyu interrupted Ochaco, "I'll be taking care of Ochaco. She's very tired. We actually encountered a minor villain on the way to a restaurant. Not to mention, she's been bouncing around everywhere because of how she's excited to be in a rich city like Kyoto."

Ochaco was already asleep half way through Tsuyu's interruption. Actually, everyone excluding Tsuyu and Kyoka were asleep.

Tsuyu picked up Ochaco and placed her on her futon.

Kyoka snickered, "Now you go take care of your girlfriend now."

Tsuyu playfully snapped, "Shut up, Kyoka. At least I—"

Kyoka grinned, "I got a date with her, so if you would like to argue any further on who's real 'girlfriend material', I think we got our answer."

Tsuyu's eyes wondered around the room as if searching for evidence on whether what Kyoka said was true or not, "Kero? You can't be serious."

Kyoka teased, "Yup. Oh right, now you owe me like, 15 bucks. I mean, it was kinda inevitable."

Tsuyu rolled her eyes, "I didn't think you'd manage to get a date with her this week during the trip at all. Besides, I highly doubt you were the one asked."

Kyoka gave a slight smug look and shrugged, "Okay, she was the one that asked me out, but I kinda turned it into a date... or something? Er, whatever. Anyway, that means she's into me, y'know?"

Tsuyu suspiciously observed Kyoka to see any hint of lying. She then sighed in disappointment and slowly stuck her tongue out to retrieve her purse that was on her futon, "It's unusual for you to be so confident around Momo, so I didn't believe you at first, but with that expression of yours, I guess I'll just have trust you. Kero." Tsuyu slowly handed Kyoka her 15 dollars.

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