Ch. 12

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Kyoka's POV

"Shall we leave now?" Momo asked. She seemed to have been exhausted. "It's already 5."

I nodded as we began walking to exit the carnival, "Yeah, let's leave." I tried to pay attention to Momo's face because she seemed kind of dazed. "Are you okay?"

Momo put her hand up to her forehead as if she were sick and stopped for a moment. "I'm kind of shocked to be honest with you." She pushed her hair out of her face.

I confusedly asked, "What do you mean? Why're you shocked?" If there was one thing I couldn't get about girls was their feelings. One moment they're having a blast and another moment they're about to go burn down a house. Sure, I'm a girl myself, but it's kinda rough trying to date one. Especially someone who wasn't exactly 'in touch' with their own personal feelings, such as Momo.

Momo nervously chuckled, "You're just so confident now. Not too long ago, we were embarrassed about who would start a conversation first. Now you're basically giving me life advice. You seem more like a therapist than a girlfriend sometimes."

I shrugged, "When I'm with you I just feel like I need to protect you or something. Also, I think I'd rather be your girlfriend than a therapist."

Momo laughed. It was a cute laugh; undoubtedly, it was a laugh that caught me off guard. Momo was just so beautiful. She's elegant, tall, rich, and smart. However, she didn't have the best childhood, so she seemed kind of cold at first. Nonetheless, I was still in love with the tall girl that was totally out of my league.


I snapped back into reality, "Oh, sorry. I kind of just, you know, deep in thought." I rubbed my neck and awkwardly flashed a half smile. As if I could tell her I was basically checking her out and gushing about how beautiful she was right now.

Momo recalled, "You mentioned you had plans for us. That's why we left the fair early."

I nodded, "Well, it's nothing special. I just wanted to walk around and talk. We haven't known each other for very long, but I feel like we should know more about each other."

Momo smiled, "That sounds like an excellent plan." Her cheeks faded into a rosy pink. Despite the fact my suggestion was kind of cheesy, she still seemed delighted. Honestly, I still can't understand how I managed to score such a great girl.

Hand in hand, we decided to walk around. We decided to discuss plans for the future.

"I'm sure it's quite obvious we're both going to be pro heroes, but I'm not sure what else to plan for. I suppose as a child, seeing heroes like All Might makes you want to bring the world to justice, but that's almost all we have in mind up until we actually plan out the future," Momo explained. "That's what you would expect; however, in my case, I've always been thinking ahead of my future. My family is extremely strict on these matters due to our history. My mother taught me well and I apply what I've learned to real life situations, such as during the USJ Attack. I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn, but sometimes... it's difficult.

I was stunned, "I really have no idea where to relate to your story, but I guess I can understand. Typical rich kid being restricted to a certain life style by strict parents, right?"

Momo nodded, "Basically, yes."

Here I thought, Momo was that innocent rich girl that needed guidance because her parents were too strict on her. I wasn't wrong about her parents. She didn't need help from anyone at all; she deserved independence. At that point, I just felt bad for misjudging Momo.

Momo asked, "I've talked too much. What about your plans?"

I fidgeted with my ear jacks, "I don't know. I've always wanted to be a musician like my parents, but being a hero is still my top priority. Maybe I could just change my hero name and be a more music-related type of hero. Actually, I have no idea what to do with my life in the future, to be honest."

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