Ch. 15

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"Actually, nevermind. Forget I said anything," Kyoka said as she began to get up from my lap. She sadly looked at me, "It's just a dumb fantasy I've been wanting ever since I met you, but for some reason, it just seems so unrealistic." She cupped her face with her hands.

Momo's eyes lowered. Her lip quivered, "N-No, you're wrong. I really, really, really want to marry you. I was j-just shocked to hear you ask that out of the blue. It was surprising."

Kyoka sighed in relief, "Yeah? Sorry for scaring you like that then. I guess I'm just out of it today. First, I hear I won't be able to see you for a month and then I'm practically breaking down in front you. Wild day for me I guess, but I should probably think about what you're thinking."

"What I think?"

Kyoka raised an eyebrow, "You know... What do you think about your relatives sending you off overseas to work with them?"

Momo half-smiled, "I don't get asked about what I think about often times, so I was confused."


Momo answered, "Well, I guess I don't like it, which should be clear enough. I wouldn't mind staying with them for about a week or less, but a month is extremely excessive."

Kyoka's eyes seemed to be flared with anger, "Is your mom coming over here to pick you up?"

Momo nodded, "Yes, she'll be here with a few other escorts."

Kyoka grinnee, "Then she's basically giving me the chance to convince her to not let you go. Am I right?"

Momo's eye twitched, "Y-You're not wrong. It's just that my mother's always been quite strict and I don't know if she even thinks I have friends since I've always spent my days inside the house studying as a child."

Kyoka rolled her eyes, "That doesn't mean I can't convince her to let you stay."

Momo blushed, "It'd be nice if I could stay..."

Kyoka wholesomely looked at the beautiful girl, "If you're gonna give me such a cute look like that, I might as well ask your mom if I could marry would while I talk to her."

"Are you guys really thinking about marriage this early?" A familiar voice called out. The two girls turned around and saw Shouto Todoroki plainfully looking at the horizon.

Shouto said, "I'm almost jealous."

Kyoka asked, "Why would you be jealous? I'm sure everyone's gonna get married eventually."

Shouto sat down with the two girls and shook his head, "It seems kind of impossible at this rate. Don't you think? We're out here constantly in danger because of villains and the life of a hero is hectic enough. Imagine marrying someone... sharing a life with them. It's terrifying to think of."

Momo nodded, "As much as that may be true, it's not so bad to think about the happier side of things."

Kyoka chuckled, "You should try it some time, edge lord."

Shouto began to get up, "Alright, alright. I get it."

Kyoka asked, "What're you even doing down here anyway? Thought Momo and I could've gotten away from the class." She showed obvious jealousy towards the boy.

Shouto said, "I just so happened to walk over here with Iida and Izuku. This hill is probably the closest and best spot for us to see tonight's stars."

Momo lit up, "You're right. The night sky has been extremely vibrant tonight. Kyoka, come closer and watch with me."

Kyoka glared at Shouto and he fortunately took the glare as his cue to leave.

Momo lied down on the grass and grinned, "Have I ever mentioned how much I love star gazing? The universe is just so vast and full of infinite possibilities."

Kyoka followed her lead and lied down on the grass right next to her. She reached out for Momo's hands and smiled, "Yeah, it's pretty neat."

Kyoka laughed at herself for her remark, "Pretty neat? Gosh, I sound like a toddler. You say that I always know what to say, but I'm not always your average smooth guy. I mean, have you heard yourself?"

Momo tightly squeezed Kyoka's hands. She suddenly asked out of the blue, "Back to when you asked if we would get married... Assuming we will get married... Do you think we'll start a family?"

Kyoka felt like she just choked on her own breath, "I didn't expect you to ask that... I mean, I wouldn't mind having a family. It seems nice."

Momo blushed, "I'm so confused as of what to do with you. I'm so all over the place when I'm with you. It feels like I'm going crazy."

"Momo, I—"

"I don't know what I'd ever do without you," Momo sighed. "School has always been so boring since it was just me acing every test and then heading home for even more studying, but then I met you."

"Momo, you seriously have to watch your mouth. One more word out of you and I might literally pounce on you. You make me go crazy too," Kyoka blurted out. "You're crazy smart and pretty. I felt like you were way out of my league, but it turned out you would date losers like me. It was a blessing because most people would mistake me as a delinquent or something, but you gave me a chance."

Momo inched closer to Kyoka and have her a kiss on the cheek. She rested her head on Kyoka's chest and whispered, "Let's just stay quiet for the next few minutes. I just like being with you."

Kyoka whispered back, "Yeah."

Kyoka's POV

I have no clue what I'm going to do with Momo. I mean, she literally just suggested that we lie down on the grass together watching the stars on a hill. If she's not suggesting the most romantic gesture possible, then romance is dead.

Her warmth right next to my body was reassuring. It made me feel like there was nothing to worry about. Other than my racing heart, there was practically nothing to care about. It was just the love of my life and I on a hill, watching the stars. What more could I possibly want?

My grip on Momo's hand tightened. I wanted her to know that I would always be there for her.

How could I possibly express my love for her in words?

A/N: Hey, hey! My new MomoJirou fic is up, so I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out!! Thanks <3

It's a Coffee Shop AU called Sweet Essence and there's basically no quirks. Everyone works normal jobs and are all over 20 years old, but won't all be the same age since that'd be kind of boring or weird for a quirkless human Coffee Shop AU??&;&:&:&/228:&

Anyway, thank you so much for reading!! This chapter was really short and kind of boring, so sorry... I'm just excited to write next chapter and had no idea what to do for this chapter, so I guess you can take this as a filler chapter???? Uhhhhh

Don't forget to vote!! See you next chapter <3333

Lots of Love,
your local MomoJirou worshipper

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