Ch. 10

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Momo stammered, "W-Well, I knew that you would probably be too excited to, uh, eat breakfast, so obviously I decided to take us to a restaurant first. I'll pay for everything."

Kyoka raised an eyebrow and started listing things by using her fingers to count, "First of all, you assumed I'd be excited, which is incredibly bold of you, but I won't deny I'm not excited. I'm just kinda surprised you're so confident right now, and I'll admit, that's really hot. Second of all, I really do appreciate the gesture on paying for everything because you're a rich girl, but you should already know I would feel bad."

Momo was left speechless, "H-Hold on, I—"

Kyoka innocently smiled as if she didn't just kill Momo, "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

Momo twitched, "You called me... hot...? I, uh—"

Kyoka gasped, "Oh God, I did? I didn't even realize it, sorry. I'm such a mess around you and—"

Momo laughed, "Then why were you so confident speaking? Gosh, we're both such messes right now."

Kyoka laughed and joked along with Momo, "Yeah, yeah, let's just get going. By the way, there's no way in hell I'd let you pay for anything. I don't want you to feel in charge of everything, it's kind of stressful on your part. Just relax, okay?"

Momo nodded. At that moment, she just knew Kyoka was the right person. No one could be as selfless as she was. She was everything Momo could possibly dream of, and here she was, on a date with that dream.

Momo reached out for Kyoka's hand. She held onto Kyoka's hand tightly. "Follow me, I'm sure you'll love it there."

Kyoka blushed, "Have you always looked like that?"

Momo began to walk, but she turned her head to face Kyoka's eyes. She cocked her head, "What do you mean by that?"

Kyoka squinted, "You look brighter than usual, I guess. I don't know. Whatever, let's just get going. I'm hella hungry."

In all honesty, Momo was kind of timid at the beginning of the school year. She would sometimes accidentally show off her ability or intelligence, but she rarely interacted with others. For Kyoka to be able to receive her affections, it must have meant they both acknowledged each other's feelings at this point. Maybe that was why Momo looked so bright in Kyoka's eyes.

When they had reached the restaurant, hand in hand, Kyoka and Momo were absolutely famished. The walk was not long, but they were both too excited for the date to even eat anything else beforehand.

After they both ordered their meals, they sat in silence.

Kyoka avoided eye contact, "This is uh, kind of awkward. Haha... Erm, if I can ask, what do you even find in me? I'm sure you asked me this question before or at least you know the reason why I like you."

Momo softly smiled as if remembering a fond memory. She replied, "I think we began talking after the USJ attack."

Kyoka raised an eyebrow, "And?"

"That's it."


"I just liked you a lot from there, I guess," Momo blatantly said. "I mean, you were exceptionally helpful and skillful during that attack. Not to mention, you were quite the quick thinker."

Kyoka was surprised at the answer, "Wait, so we basically started to like each other at the same? Can't believe if we actually manned up to ask each other out during that time, our one year anniversary would have been not too far from now."

Momo quietly cursed at herself. Oh, why couldn't I just gain some courage for once?

Kyoka laughed, "Well, not like it makes a difference. I mean, our feelings would be the same for each other."

"How do you always manage to do this to me?"

Kyoka was confused, "What?"

Momo just awkwardly coughed, "I mean— I, uh... You just always know what to say. I get embarrassed and everything."

Kyoka put her right elbow on the table and cupped her cheek in her right hand. She rolled her eyes as if in disbelief, "Honestly, you're like, a lot stronger than me, way taller than me by over 5 inches, and more popular, yet I feel like I'm the dominant one."

Momo blushed even more, "That's a vulgur way to... put your position in this... re-relationship."

Kyoka asked, "That's all you're gonna say about that long speech I made on how much better you are than me?"

Momo shook her head, "W-What? I think you're completely missing the point, Kyoka."

"I'm kidding, relax," Kyoka chuckled. "Oh hey, there's our food."

"Over here, sir," Momo called out to the waiter.

"Ah, sorry for the delay. We had some minor trouble in the kitchen due to a drawback in one of our chef's fire-quirk," the waiter apologized.

Momo politely replied, "Oh, it's quite alright. We haven't been waiting for a very long time to begin with, so there's nothing to apologize about, sir."

The waiter nodded, "Of course, thank you, Ms. Yaoyorozu."

Kyoka's eye twitched, "Do you two know each other? Also, you're being so polite, I think I might just fall in love with your multiple personality splits."

Momo blushed, "Well, my family is quite rich and somewhat famous in these areas. Not to mention, I did say I visited this city quite a lot. Oh, and of course I don't have multiple personalities. I'm the same person, surely."

Kyoka began to dig into her food and just smirked, "Mhm."

After they had finished eating, Momo quickly went up to pay for the entire meal before Kyoka could even react.

Kyoka began to argue, "H-Hey! Didn't I say I would pay for my part of the meal?"

"Isn't it natural for the one that's leading to pay for everything?"

Kyoka raised her turtleneck a bit to hide her pouting steaming face. She asked, with her voice still muffled from her shirt, "Leading? As if."

Momo nodded, "You're right. That's a bad way to put it, but I'd still rather pay for everything."

Kyoka growled, "Alright, fine."

Momo asked, "So, shall we head over to our next destination? I was hoping we could go to a carnival together."

Kyoka's eyes lit up, "A carnival?"

A/N: Oh my god, it's never taken me so long to update a chapter before. Not to mention, it's really short today too ughhsbsb sorryyy I've just been rlly busy i guess :,))

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