Ch. 16

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Momo's POV

"Momo, your mother requests for you. Please get into the car immediately," an escort said to me. He was tall and stern, clearly not willing to be patient.

I reluctantly replied, "Of course." I was so happy yesterday, listening to Kyoka's cliché and sappy words about me and yet all of that seemed like a distant memory at the moment.

Just where was Kyoka? After her long rant about how she didn't want me to go, she still hadn't even shown up yet. I was disappointed. When I had woken up, Kyoka wasn't even in the same room.

"I'm sorry, but it's seriously for your own good. U.A. is a bit dangerous, so I'm hoping that your relatives are a safer approach of education," my mother said. She seemed nervous.

I sighed and slowly got into the car, "I'd prefer if we just got this over with."

"Ms. Yaoyorozu, a word please," a pleasant voice said.

"Kyoka!" I happily called out.

The tall escort blocked Kyoka from seeing my mother, "'Scuse me. Would you mind stepping back?"

"I'd like to request speaking with Ms. Yaoyorozu please," Kyoka irritatedly said.

I quickly got out of the car and tapped the escort's shoulder. I smiled, "She's a friend of mine, sir. It'd be greatly appreciated if you would let her speak to my mother."

The escort stopped blocking Kyoka and huffed, "Fine."

Mother asked, "What's going on?"

Kyoka politely introduced herself and shook Mother's hand, "Hi, I'm Kyoka Jirou. I'd like to personally speak with you discussing Momo's departure to be overseas."

I was honestly shocked at how polite Kyoka could speak due to her excessive use of slang.

Mother seemed to have perked up a bit, but quickly maintained her composure, "I suppose that would be fine."

Kyoka began, "I personally don't think your daughter should be put through all of this stress. You do realize this is stressful for the both of you, right? Besides, I've heard that you don't support those relatives of yours yourself. Wouldn't it be much better for Momo to stay in school? U.A. is the greatest school for future heroes, so I don't understand why she has to go overseas to see some rich relatives that might know a thing or two."

Mother gritted her teeth, "I'm glad to know you at least understand I don't want to do this, but they're difficult to convince."

"Then convince them," Kyoka said. "And if they don't listen, just don't take Momo over there at all. Making her stay in a foreign country for a month just to do training that she could easily receive in Japan at her own school is excessive."

Mother raised her voice, "I—"

"Mother, please. Just let me stay. It's already difficult enough. I don't understand why you would even consider their offer," I said.

"U.A. hasn't been safe at all and now they're giving you a 7-day vacation. Does this school even make any sense? You've gotten attacked by villains countless of times and yet you still wish to attend such a dangerous school. Imagine how a parent would feel if their child could choose to be safe and still have proper hero training rather than train at a school such as U.A," Mother snapped.

"She'll never be put in danger, ma'am. I can guarantee it," Kyoka spoke up.

Mother scoffed, "What makes you say that?"

"I can guarantee Momo's safety because I'll be there to protect her at all times. I was there with her during the USJ attack. At that moment, I just knew I would give up my life for her's," Kyoka raised her voice a little. She seemed so desperate to win my mother over. She was using so much emotion into each word to make herself sound as persuasive as possible.

"Kyoka, I think you're going too far for m–" I was cut off.

"Momo, please. I need you," Kyoka winced.

"What even is your relationship with my daughter?" Mother seemed to have been taken aback with Kyoka's speech and last statement of needing me.

Kyoka and I exchanged I contact. I nodded at her to signal her that it was okay for her to tell my mother. I just hoped it was going to be a good decision. She needed to know that I'm perfectly fine in life right now.

"We're dating, ma'am," Kyoka bluntly said. She directly looked at my mother in the eye, who was not exactly willing to return the same treatment.

"Momo is dating? Why have I not known about this sooner? Not to mention, she's dating someone like you!" Mother exclaimed. She seemed furious, but she also seemed more flustered than mad.

"I hope you know that Momo has always been an exceptional girl. My current relationship with her hasn't stopped her at all. If you would just let her make her own decision, she really can be an incredible girl," Kyoka abruptly said. She seemed to have been suddenly fuming, which was unlike her.

Mother coldly replied, "Oh, I know she's an exceptional girl, but you don't seem to understand the risks you're asking me to make just so she can be here. Besides, I'm sure you're just being too biased with her. You just want her to stay with you, correct?"

Kyoka was practically screaming at this point, "I don't think you understand this, Ms. Yaoyorozu! This is not about me in the slightest! Momo is genuinely a fine young woman and—"

"Enough," Mother suddenly interrupted. "I've heard what I wanted to hear and I'll make my decision clear and final."

I gulped, "W-Wait, Mother..."

Everything Kyoka had said has pierced through my heart. If my usual soft-hearted mother couldn't even be convinced, I don't know what will.

Mother smiled, "It appears Momo has someone that cares for her deeply. I've simply only been testing this fine young woman of yours to see if you're doing fine on your own."

She couldn't be serious.

Kyoka blushed, "O-Oh, I'm sorry for raising my voice so much."

This was such an unrealistic turn of events, I couldn't even wrap my mind around it.

Mother said, "My decision should be final and clear then. Momo, you are to stay here as long as you keep people like Kyoka around you and you continue to work hard."

I felt like I was about to burst into tears right then and there. I squealed, "Thank you so much, Mother!"

Kyoka asked, "What'll you do about your folks overseas then?"

Mother rolled her eyes, "I'll just tell them Momo won't be able to make it. Her uncles and aunts can't be so dense to the point they expect her to fly overseas for a month just to be with them."

Kyoka shook my mother's hand and grinned, "Thank you so so much, ma'am. We'll definitely never forget your kindness."

Mother squinted, "Moving along... Why didn't you tell me you were with such a nice young woman? Honestly, I could have prepared the wedding by now if you had just told me."

Kyoka and I both quietly groaned out of embarrassment.

"S-Sorry, Mother..."

She huffed and turned around. "I'll be going now, so call me if you need me. Goodbye, my dears." With that, she left in her fancy car with her who-knows-how-many escorts and bodyguards.

Kyoka jumped at me to passionately hug me, "Aaahh! I can't believe we did it! Not to mention, your mom is pretty unique. I thought she'd be a bit more strict."

I sighed, "She is usually a bit more strict, but if someone like you were speaking to her and arguing over my well-being, she might as well just retire as a parent. That's just how she is, I suppose."

Kyoka laughed, "I hope you realize that we've got a whole day ahead of us. You made me wake up too early to talk to your mom, so the day is still quite young. Let's go and have another date or something."

I squeezed Kyoka's hand, "Of course."

A/N: Heyo! If you haven't checked out my new MomoJirou fic yet, please do! I've worked really hard on it (a lot harder than I did with this fic lmao)

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