Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Adele sat at the head of the table just watching the men eat. She had finished quite a bit ago but these guys acted like they never had salmon before. Many asked for third even fourth servings but she didn't mind. If they were still hungry, let them eat.

She was trying her hardest to remember each ones name. Damian sat a few spots away from her while John made his way in between two other men. This was going to a fiasco dating all these guys at once. She wasn't even sure what would happen when they started filming.

People tended to act different on camera then they did off. That's why she brought them here a few days earlier to get their raw reaction. To see how they acted without the whole world watching.

Adele noticed how well the guys seemed to be getting along. They knew each other for as long as she knew them but they were talking like old friends. All of them were smiling, laughing, and cracking jokes as they ate.

"Princess, it's going to be time for the interviews soon. You can go" her butler smiled as she stood up.

They all remembered it was proper etiquette to stand up when she entered or left the room. "You guys go enjoy yourselves, you have an hour before we start" she smiled heading out of the dining room.

She had to be there for the interviews just to make sure everything fitted with the royal tradition. All of this would be broadcasted on national even international television. She didn't want to give her family a bad name, even though she hated this idea she wasn't going to demolish their reputations.

The hard part was her interview, she had to act like she was into this when in reality she wanted to kill her parents for such an absurd idea. She was going to have to think long and hard about what she was going to say. Tonight they did the interviews and that meant tomorrow started the dating.

Her heels could be heard clinking through the halls as she made her way to her room. That was one place the men weren't allowed to go. Her room was her space and only she was supposed to be in there. That's where she went to collect her thoughts and that's exactly where she was headed.

Punching the pass code in to her door she smiled seeing the sun streaming through her French doors and the light breeze making the curtains sway. Adele loved this home, every room of it. Here she didn't have to obey royal tradition.

The house was exactly the way she wanted it, the colors she loved with the things she wanted. No traditional castle colors or classic royal furniture. Her style was shown throughout this whole house, sure it was way too big for one person but it was her home.

Adele glanced at the clock her grandfather gave her a while ago seeing she only had a half hour to get ready. Quickly she ran herself a bath as she turned on the curling iron to touch up her hair. That was one thing about her, she loved feeling clean and looking good all the time.

After a quick rinse she curled her hair once more and touched up her makeup. She wrapped herself up in her silk robe to go change into her outfit for this evening. This interview would be going on national television so she had no clue what to wear. It was royal tradition that Adele always wore a dress or skirt with a blouse, she wasn't allowed to wear jeans in public.

A simple everyday dress? A sophisticated cocktail dress? A formal dress like she wore for the balls? She walked into her closet seeing all of her clothes cleaned, the maid must have washed everything for her. She went over to her section of casual dresses but nothing looked good enough to wear for this.

Next her hundreds of ball gowns for the special occasions but those were way too fancy plus she felt like being comfortable. She headed over to her cocktail dresses picking through them one by one. Nothing caught her eye until she spotted her simple black dress that fit her body perfectly.

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