Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Adele walked into the dining room to be greeted with the strong aroma of food, she slept extremely well last night. She went to the doorway of the room shouting up the stairs. "Guys breakfast is ready!"

It wasn't long before she heard the rumbling of footsteps coming her way. She squealed pressing herself against the frame of the door so she wouldn't get trampled to death over food. One by one the men piled into the room taking a seat as they waited.

The servers finished setting the plates on the table as she sat herself down and motioned for them to begin eating. Adele chuckled watching them jump up grabbing everything in sight.

"Good morning" Adele smiled causing everyone to look up at her. "Just a quick reminder, the talent show is tomorrow afternoon"

All the men nodded as she started eating what was on her plate, unlike the guys she was just having a simple breakfast. She couldn't eat that much in the morning so she usually settled on eggs, bacon, and toast.

Looking up at the clock Adele noticed she had an hour to get ready for her and Wyatt's date. Usually the first date was eleven to three and the second date was five to nine. During that two hour break tomorrow is when the talent show was taking place. Adele was going to be exhausted.

Excusing herself from the table she walked upstairs to her room. Wyatt she could handle but tonight's date, Owen, she might have to keep to herself. Thankfully she kept her diary on the edge of her nightstand so she could write anytime.

Right now each page consisted of four guys and most of them were good things. Adele was going to have a hard time deciding who she was going to send home. She sighed securing the door behind her as she began getting ready.

Adele had no idea what Wyatt had planned so she wasn't sure what to wear. According to royal tradition Adele wasn't permitted to wear jeans or leggings, only dresses and skirts. The only time she did was at home by herself or at night when she was sleeping.

Curling her hair into soft waves she spritzed on a little perfume and dabbed just a touch of makeup. Browsing her closet Adele was lost on what she should wear for her date. A dress or a blouse and skirt?

She sighed finally deciding on her snake skin dress and black heels. Hopefully this was appropriate for where they were going. Bill ringed her door letting her know it was time to go. So Adele grabbed her little clutch and placed her phone in it while she locked the door behind her.

One by one she took steps towards the front of her house. She wondered if when she got married she would have to live at the palace. Of course when she took over the throne she would but as of now she liked her home. Sure it was bigger than anyone could imagine but not as massive as the castle.

Adele kind of hoped that whichever man she chose to marry would respect royal tradition and her wishes. After all he would be the king and whatever order he declared went through but the queen had as much power. She wanted a relationship like her parents, they decided on things together.

Glancing up she saw Shawn and Wyatt standing at the bottom of the stairs. Once they heard the faint click of her heels their gazes met hers. Adele smiled watching the two of them, thank goodness she wasn't dreading this date.

"Adele, hi" Wyatt stuttered causing Adele to suppress a giggle, he was shy.

"Hello Wyatt, Shawn" she smiled seeing both of their faces light up.

"Princess, are you ready?" Shawn asked bringing her hand up to his lips. Adele nodded as he handed her over to Wyatt. "Have fun"

Within twenty minutes the driver pulled up to a place Adele never heard of before. Wyatt smiled grabbing her small hand in his very large one as he tugged her out of the car. Headly Scene was mounted on the top of this building while they headed in.

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