Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Adele slipped on her flats to match her casual gray maxi dress noticing the time. She had ten minutes before she was supposed to meet Charlie down stairs. Now this date she was excited about, she had no idea why but she was attached to him.

Grabbing her little clutch Adele checked in the mirror one more time making sure she looked perfect. She honestly wanted to look good for him so she pulled her hair half up curling it in loose waves and threw on her leather jacket.

She dabbed on just a bit of lipstick before she locked her door behind her, she was getting used to this routine finally. Thankfully she had one day to herself where she could do what she liked instead of worrying about this show.

"Charlie!" Adele squealed practically running down the stairs seeing him in a pair of jeans and a shirt, good thing she dressed casual.

Shawn chuckled not even bothering to greet her when Charlie came up a few steps causing Adele to jump right into his arms. "Good evening Adele" Charlie smiled planting a quick kiss to her forehead.

"I take it you're ready" Shawn laughed causing Adele to nod eagerly. "Alright, have fun princess"

Charlie chuckled setting Adele down on her feet as he grabbed her hand tugging her to the limo. Adele slid into the back seat with Charlie right behind her. She buckled herself in turning to face him, she just had to know.

"Tell me about your sisters baby!" She squealed lightly tapping his legs.

Charlie smiled grabbing Adele's hands so she wouldn't hurt herself from hitting him. "Well she had a boy, Brett. It went pretty smooth, she did a natural birth so everything turned out well. Cynthia also wanted me to tell you thank you for letting me be there"

Adele squealed squeezing his hands, "I'm so happy for her"

"Thank you" he said bringing her hands up to his lips. "And thanks for letting me go"

"You're welcome" she smiled watching his deep brown eyes focus on her hands. She definitely looked like her mother, small dainty hands that fit in almost anyone's grip. Charlie pressed his lips against her knuckles a few times before the car came to a stop.

He gently let her go opening his door then rounding the bumper to let her out. She stepped out feeling the breeze whip around her as she shivered, Adele was not good with the cold.

Charlie must have noticed since he quickly wrapped her up in his arms opening up his jacket to keep her warm. She smiled snuggling her face into his chest feeling him rest his chin on the top of her head.

Slowly pulling away she placed a kiss on his cheek as he grabbed her hand. From what she could see it looked like they were at a park. Then she remembered the annual festival. Adele's parents held a fireworks show every year just for the people, it was to show their appreciation for all their hard work.

Adele smiled letting Charlie drag her through the park to a secluded location security set up for them. If the people knew she was here they would mob her so Charlie lifted her up on a wall causing Adele to squeal. She then gave him a hand up to sit right besides her.

"Thanks for bringing me here" Adele spoke up making Charlie's gaze match hers. "I wasn't sure I would be able to make it this year with the show going on" she sighed. This show was really taking its toll on her.

Adele didn't want to say too much though, the camera crew was right next to them so she decided to keep quiet. Charlie turned her face to focus on him before slowly closing the gap between them pressing his lips against hers. She scooted closer to him running her fingers through his hair feeling his hand run down to her waist.

Then the fireworks began making Adele jump and squeal breaking away from the kiss. Charlie laughed placing a soft kiss on her lips once more. He kept his arm around her waist as the fireworks went off.

She was so grateful he picked this as their date choice, for once she felt like she was with her family. Adele liked living where she was but at times she got lonesome from her parents. Sadly she couldn't handle Taylor which is the reason she moved in the first place.

Adele sighed making Charlie scoot her closer to him, this show was making her learn a lot of new things. She rested her head against his shoulder grabbing his other hand just watching the sky light up.

A rustling noise was heard through the park as Charlie pulled Adele closer to him, that sounded foreign in this part of the area. Then she heard a woman's laugh and Adele knew that laugh all too well.

"Mom?" She called causing the laughing to stop then her parents appeared in front of her with a flashlight. "Dad! Mom!" She squealed wiggling out of Charlie's hold as her father helped her down from the wall.

"Adele, what are you doing here?" Her mother asked bringing her in for a quick hug.

"My date brought me here" she smiled as her dad planted a kiss on her head. "Charlie" she called watching what she could of him through the street lamps as he jumped off the wall. "Charlie, I'd like you to meet King Frank and Queen Aurora"

"Pleasure meeting your highnesses" Charlie bowed but Adele wasn't about that traditional greeting when anyone met royalty.

"Nice meeting you too Charlie" her mom smiled and her dad followed. "How long are you staying sweetheart?"

Adele grabbed Charlie's wrist seeing it was almost eleven. "Just a bit longer, I have to get home soon"

"Why don't you stay with us?" Adele's dad spoke up with a small smile, her parents were always happy.

"I'd love that" Adele responded tangling her fingers with Charlie as the four of them leaned against the wall watching the fireworks being set off one after another.

Well that was something she didn't think would happen, running into her parents on a date. A faint honk was heard through the park and Adele knew that meant Shawn was waiting. Telling her parents to wait for her she tugged Charlie across the field.

She saw Shawn's car next to the other one so she let him know she was staying with her parents. Thankfully there was still enough time for a goodbye so Adele reached up on her toes pressing her lips against Charlie's.

Charlie quickly responded grabbing a hold of her waist to bring her closer to him. She looped her arms around his neck letting him deepen the kiss. Adele could really get used to this, she could feel her toes curling up from the contact.

He slowly pulled out of the kiss resting his forehead against hers while they both tried to catch their breath. "Thank you again" she smiled pecking his lips.

"You're welcome. Goodnight princess"

"Goodnight Charlie" with one more kiss she headed back over to her parents. They both trapped her in between them since it wasn't really safe for the royal family to be out this late. Adele sighed in contentment since she was with her parents.

They talked of the most random things and Adele was really enjoying the time with them. Yes she was on the show supposed to be the bachelorette but sometimes the bachelorette needed her parents so Adele rested her head against her dads shoulder watching the festivals fireworks.

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