Chapter two: Caught

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Thank you guys for reading! This chapter is kind of short, but enjoy!

[All rights reserved]


During what seemed like a long lunch, I finally finished off the blood tablet water that Mr. Stein gave me. At first it tasted disgusting, but soon got better the more I drank it. Alex tore through three turkey sandwiches and two bags of Doritos that he bought from the vending machines in the cafeteria. I guess werewolves eat a lot.

"So what do you think about Stein?" Alex asked.

"He's nice. He gave me a pack of these blood tablets to help me ease into drinking blood."

"It's something you're going to have to accept, Lucy. I know you don't want to hurt people, but you're gonna have to feed off of someone at some point."

I sighed. He was right, but it's still something I didn't want to do.

"Hey, Alex." Violet chimed in.

God, she's so annoying.

Violet took the empty seat next to Alex and stared at him with her flirtatious googley eyes. "I heard tonight's a full moon," she began. "I've never seen your wolf form up close. Can you show me?"

"I don't think that would be a good idea." Alex stated, clearly annoyed.

"Come on..." she began to run her hand up and down his arm.

Alex's eyebrows furrowed. He was becoming more and more frustrated. I stood up from my seat and removed Violet's hand from Alex's shoulder.

"Stop. You're making him uncomfortable." I warned.

She ignored me and continued, and I could feel Alex becoming more tense. If she wasn't a girl, he would've already snapped at her.

"Violet." I simply said. "Back off."

"Bite me."

Out of nowhere, Lee arrived with his lunch tray and placed it on the table before putting his clawed hand on violets shoulder and growling. Violet turned around, fear evident in her face. She quickly turned around and sat back down with her friends.

"Thanks dude," Alex ran his hand trough his dark hair. "She's so annoying."

"Anything for you, Al." Lee dug into his meal.

I tried to shake off what happened with Violet but she knows exactly how to get under my skin.

"Relax, Lucy." Lee comforted. "She's gone."

I threw away my trash and walked back to class with Alex and Lee. I took my spot in class and opened my note book and got out my pencils. I loved being prepared. As soon as our classmates filed in, Mr. Stein began class.

" Welcome back. I hope you all had a great lunch." He greeted. "I took a look at your lesson plans, but I hated them. If you're all okay with it, I have decided to teach you off the books."

The class cheered.

"What's the point of teaching human subjects to inhuman students? This year I'm going to teach you history, magic, politics, Latin, and everything you need to know about our culture. Get out your notes. We will start with politics."

I looked around the room while everyone listened intently to what Mr. Stein was teaching.

"As I told you earlier, I am descended from royalty. Back when my Parents were my age, they ruled the inhuman society. After a few centuries, things began to change. New political ideas came about and the belief of elected leaders sprang into existence. Because of the respect my family had among the inhumans, we were the first chairs elected to govern. Over time, as my parents retired, the political power fell on my brother and I, and we decided to make the change and allow one representative per species to sit on the Council. Since I stepped down, my older brother is now the head of that council."

"That's awesome! You were a Prince!" Kat exclaimed from the front of the room.

"That's right."

Mr. Stein droned on with his lecture keeping everyone on their toes. Our time at school seemed to go by quickly, and Alex decided to walk me home.

We decided to take the long way to our neighbourhood so that Alex could enjoy his time under the full moon. As we walked, the light of the moon made the specks of silver in Alex's hair shimmer, and his brown eyes to turn Amber. He didn't shift, but I could tell that he loves full moons. He seemed so relaxed in this atmosphere.

We passed the McDonald's across the street from our neighbourhood. I could feel my stomach growling reminding me that I hadn't eaten much today.

"Alex, can we stop at the McDonald's? I'm really hungry." I asked my stomach still growling.

"Yeah, I guess. I've got no where to be tonight."

We went straight to the counter and ordered our usuals- A hot and spicy McChicken with a coke for me and a Big Mac and a sprite for Alex.

God bless McDonald's for being a twenty four hour business.

We were the only two occupying the restaurant , which made for great bonding time.

"It still bothers me how Violet is still trying to get with you." I said out of nowhere. "Sometimes I swear she does it just to bother me."

"Yeah, her act's getting old. It's like she has no shame." Be took a huge bite of his Big Mac and inhaled half of his soda. Alex loved to eat.

In the corner of my eye, three large men walked in wearing the same thing-a black vest over a polo shirt and either cargo pants or slacks. I could smell metal on them and automatically assumed they had weapons.

Alex noticed them too.

He got up to throw away our trash and grabbed my backpack for me. "Let's go." He said barely above a whisper.

If it weren't for my advanced hearing, I wouldn't have heard him. I quickly followed him out of the restaurant, but could sense the three men following us out.

What did they want from us?

We continued home at the pace we were going, taking random turns here and there.

They were indeed following us.

That's when Alex grabbed my wrist and she began to run. I trusted his instincts as well as my own and got the message to pick up my pace.

We were still a few blocks away from our street, but I was confident that we would make it, but I was wrong.

A loud bang sounded through the air, and Alex released his grip on my wrist.

Authors note:

Thank you guys for reading! Don't forget to share and comment what you think so far! The next update will be on Thursday, maybe even sooner... who knows? (Follow me @Ani_Mang for more. I'll follow you back)

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