Chapter Twenty Two: Training

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Lucy's POV:

Alex held me in his arms and kissed my temple. I loved his embrace, but I was too tired and confused to want it right now.

I wanted to know why I was here earlier than I needed to be.

Thomas didn't tell us anything when he picked us up. He just said that it was urgent that we go back to the manor.

"It's late. Go up to your rooms. We'll talk in the morning." Stein instructed.

I almost didn't notice Lilian in his arms.

Alex took my hand and led me up the stairs with the rest of our class. We parted ways as we entered our separate bedrooms.

I sat my travel bag on the bed and dug through it trying to find my favorite leggings.

"I can't believe we're back so soon." Kat grumbled.

I've never heard her have a bad attitude.

"I'm sure there's a good reason." I reassured.

"I don't know Lucy. He promised that we would stay with our families until New Years, but we're back a week earlier. Somethings wrong." Violet interjected. "Whatever it is, we'll hear it in the morning. I'm going to sleep."

Violet spread herself out on her bed and quickly fell asleep. Kat curled up beneath her blanket, leaving me as the only one awake.

I played with my necklace that Alex gave me, and felt myself drift to sleep.

He next morning, we were called down to the dining room for breakfast. Stein and Lilian were sitting comfortably hand in hand next to each other. A glass of blood was placed in front of me.

I haven't had any blood since we left. I took a sip, instantly feeling more relaxed.

"I'm so sorry that you're all back so soon." Stein apologised. "Things have taken a dangerous turn. Jeremiah burned down the human and Inhuman council buildings on Christmas Day."

I felt the colour drain from my face. I knew Jeremiah wanted control, but I didn't think he was that desperate.

"That's why you are all here so early. Jeremiah's gone after you once before, and I bet he's going to do it again."

"Then help us het stronger." Max said quietly, but sternly. "That's why we're here right? You're supposed to teach us how to get better."

Lee grabbed Max's hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"And that's what I'm going to do." Stein admitted. "I don't know what I would do if any one of you got hurt."

I took another sip of blood as I listened to stein drone on.

"Now, I understand the trouble you all endured at the mall," Alex instantly cringed at his words. "Have you seen or noticed any other suspicious activity over the break?"

I thought back to my first night home, and remembered the figure who was outside my window.

I haven't seen him since then.

Whatever it was, I decided to ignore it for the time being. I felt safer here than anywhere else.

"Alright then. Let's go upstairs." We all followed Stein and Lilian to the library.

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