Chapter Twenty Three: Meetings

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This chapter is dedicated to imthefavorite01   Thanks for commenting!
Stein's POV

Over the next few weeks, the kids have been getting a lot stronger. Lucy's magic was even with everyone else's.

Lilian taught them other element spells that could be used for both combat and defence. If Jeremiah wanted to attack, he would have a difficult battle on his hands.

Everyone was safe for the time being, but things within the house were becoming tense.

The kids were getting restless being cooped up inside, and things within the Council left me and Lilian stressed out.

I sat down at the head of my dining room table with Lilian and Armiel on either side of me, and Xavier at the other head of the table with the pack alphas on both sides of him.

Lilian handed me a folder with multiple files inside them. "This is a list of known accomplices of Jeremiah."

This was our first breakthrough in weeks.

"Thank you Lilian." I said while scanning each name.

Delilah  Bloom
Age: unknown
Species: witch
Abilities: fire focused magic.

'She must've started the fire at the council buildings.' I thought to myself.

James heartright:
Age: 179 years
Species: vampire

Age: 1000+
Species: demon

My heart stopped as soon as I read the last name. Jeremiah has a demon on his side.

"This is worse than I thought." I let out a deep breath.

I didn't know much about demons, but I was taught never to mess with them.

"Jeremiah has the demon Abigor on his side." I announced.

Armiel visibly tensed at the name.

"Abigor is the demon of war. If Jeremiah made a deal with him then he has an entire legion of demons on his side." Armiel explained.

"There's no way we can get close to him then." Xavier growled. "If he wins there's no telling what could happen to humans."

"The only way to stop Abigor is to break the contract between him and Jeremiah." Lilian explained.

"How do we do that?" Xavier asked.

"You kill Jeremiah."

The room grew silent and felt heavy. The only way to end this was to kill my only brother.

This was going to be harder then I thought.

Lilian took my hand and rubbed circles onto my knuckles.

"Let's continue." Lilian began. "General Malcom Vadoll, the head of our Inhuman military, has offered us half of his men."

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