Chapter Eighteen: Back Again

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[All rights reserved]
Lucy's POV

Jeremiah tightened his grip on me, and I could see the fury in Alex's eyes. Alex was still in his human form, and couldn't shift back.

"Let her go." He growled.

"Or what? You'll scratch my face again?" Jeremiah mocked.

I choked, trying to cry out for any kind of help. Just then, Violet was thrown at my feet. She was unconscious and had a nasty bruise on the side of her face.

Max and Lee were thrown at Jeremiah side by side. Lee was in his wolf form and was snarling in resistance, and Max was restrained.

"We're all here." Jeremiah said aloud. "I'm going to make this quick. You can either join me, or be an enemy. Chose."

As soon as he finished his sentence, his eyes burned a hungry red. His fangs were visible and his grip on me shifted.

Before I knew it, his fangs sank deep into my neck. I let out a shrilling scream hoping someone would do something.

Anyone who was in our area of the mall was gone.

I could hear Alex and Kat screaming my name, but I was too focused on the pain to make out what else they were saying.

My vision suddenly began to fade and I let my body go limp.

I woke up in a bed with Alex and Mr. Stein hovering over me. My body felt heavy and I felt extremely tired.

What happened?

"She's awake." Alex whispered.

There were gauze around my neck and a glass of blood and a glass of water on the nightstand.

"Jeremiah bit you, Lucy." Stein began. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Alex handed me the water and helped me sit up to drink it.

"Wait, what's the date?" I asked in a bit of a panic.

"December twenty second." Stein answered. "Don't worry, your parents know you're here. You are all going home tomorrow."

I sighed in relief. I hated that I couldn't see my family, especially during the holidays.

"Lucy, get some rest. We're going to talk about this later." Stein said on his way out of the room. "And Alex, the same goes for you."

Alex gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and spread out on the couch next to my bed.

I took another sip of water and slowly laid back down, trying to fall asleep. I let my eyes close and let my body relax.

"Moonlight, wake up." I heard Alex's voice say. "Stein wants us in the dining room to detail him about today."

I slowly moved my legs over the side of my bed. And allowed Alex to help me up. As soon as I got on my feet, I felt the room begin to spin.

"Easy!" Alex caught me before I lost my balance. "Here, let me carry you."

Alex lifted me up bridal style and slowly carried me down the stairs to the dining room where the rest of our class was.

Everyone had food in front of them, except for Stein who sat impatiently at the head of the table.

Alex put me down in a seat next to his and held my hand as tightly as possible.

"I thought I told you all to be aware." Stein seemed angry.

"We were, Sir." Lee answered. "But-"

"But if you were aware, this wouldn't have happened!" He cut him off. "I let you all go home so that you could be with your families, indoors where you would be safe."

I would've argued, but I didn't have enough energy to do so.

"Stein, we were all together and it was almost ten o'clock in the morning. We did everything you told us to." Violet spoke up. "I don't understand why you're angry, Stein. What's the problem with acting like normal teenagers!"

Stein's eyes turned a furious red. "That's the problem-you aren't normal teenagers! You're Inhumans! You will never be normal in today's world!"

Everyone seemed taken back.

However, he was right. We will never be normal with our fangs, ears, magic and claws.

"I'm sorry." Stein let out a long sigh. "I'm frustrated because you all are in more danger than before. He sees you as enemies."

"What are we gonna do?" Kat asked with worry evident in her voice.

"Lilian scheduled another council meeting for tomorrow morning. Hopefully the council will decide what will happen." Stein took a long swig from his glass. "I'm just afraid that this will only get worse. If it does, not only you will be affected. You parents and human friends will be too."

I rested my head on Alex's shoulder and tried to stay awake.

"Lucy, drink some more blood. You need your strength." Alex whispered.

I weakly grabbed the glass and took a sip instantly feeling it's affects, but still I felt cold and exhausted.

"I just want to go home." I whispered, feeling the bandage around my neck.

"I know you do, but none of you are in any condition to travel right now." Stein scanned the table and examined all of our injuries.

Alex let out a frustrated growl and I grabbed his hand to calm him down. His amber eyes kept avoiding my gaze.

He suddenly left the table without eating a single bite of food.

"I'll go calm him down, Lucy. You sit and rest." Lee said while running after him.

Max sat quietly in his seat as he watched Lee go.

I still felt dizzy so I didn't even bother getting out of my seat. I just wanted to go home. I hated putting my family through this.

I wish that I was never turned.
Hey guys! It's been a while :( thanks for reading! I probably won't be able to update until after next week. Don't forget to comment share and vote! And follow me for updates!

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