Back From the Dead

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No one's Point of View

Today was like any other day for the blonde as she continued strolling leisurely toward the number one guild: Fairytail. To her, Fairytail was more than just a guild, it was a home a family, and she was glad to be apart of it. As she stood in front of the magnificently large doors that belonged to the Fairytail guild she noticed how oddly silent it was compared to the normally rambunctious group. "How odd," she whispered, " I wonder did something happen? or is this a prank?" 

She silently prayed it was nothing as she cautiously opened the doors. To her surprised, she was greeted to the whole guild, with a few exceptions, weeping what seemed to be tears of joy while mobbing someone she couldn't get a glance of. 'who could they be to make the guild this joyous to see?" 

She continued to ponder her previous thought as she walked toward the group that wasn't crying and mobbing the person she had no clue about. "What's going on?" she asked toward the group, "And who are they gathering around?"

Again, to her surprise Gajeel answered her questions, "Apparently this girl named Lisanna was thought to be dead is magically not so dead."

"Isn't she the younger sister of Mira and Elfmen?" She asked 

This time wendy piped up, " Yes she is... Atleast that's what everyone has been saying." 

This made things a bit awkward as none of them knew Lisanna personally so they all decided to chat amongst themselves until everyone was calm and not mobbing Lisanna. That proved to be a difficult task since it wasn't till late in the evening everyone collectively decided to disperse and go about their regular activities. Well everyone besides team Natsu, Levy, Elfmen and Mira. She supposed she would just go on a mission herself since it would be inconsiderate of her just to barge over to team Natsu and ask them if they wanted to go on a quest when Lisanna just got back from the "dead". So she went back to her apartment after giving out quick goodbyes to those who she was chatting with and hurriedly gathered her equipment and items she would need for the quest. "Alright!" she said to herself, "Let's get to the train and finished this quest as soon as possible!"

~Time skip brought to you by Kronos~ 

On the train heading to Inaba she decided since it was a long ride to get some sleep as she would most likely not be able to for a while on the quest. She eventually fell into a deep slumber. 


Her eyes flutter open to see everyone from Fairytail surrounding her, staring directly at her in disgust and hatred. She was shocked why were they looking at her like that, did she do something? 'No' she would never do anything wrong that would end up having them all hate her. Suddenly, she was torn from her thoughts as pain erupted through her body. "You're a traitor, a disgusting whore who is weak and useless. You're a good for nothing slut!" they all screamed in chorus. 

She was hurt deeply from their words but if they wanted to break her down in tears she wasn't allowing them the satisfaction, besides she knows Fairytail they would never do anything like this. "Is that all you can manage to say? Jeez,you should look in a dictionary and expand your vocabulary." 

Her vision started to shift as everything around her dissipated, placing her in a completely new environment. Everything glowed in the dark of night, trees swayed as their petals flew elegantly. This reminded her of her mom's garden back at the estate. "Mom I know I promised to protect Lucy and I have but it's hard to face her. She will have to come here sooner or later but I want her to live her life just a little bit longer. I swear that everything will be alright, I love you,mom." 

Who was this girl? And who was she talking? That's when she noticed the grave with the heading 'Layla Heartfilia'. She stood paralyzed in shock. The girl turned and looked toward her direction with a tint of confusion displayed on her face as tears slipped down her cheeks. That's when she jolted awake.

~End of Dream~

"What was that?" the girl named Lucy said. 

"Attention passengers the train has made it to Inaba please exit at your station." 

She shook her head gathering her luggage, "I'll think about Later." she mumbled to herself. 


Hey guys! I haven't completely given up on this book yet... I'll be doing heavy editing to the book although I can't promise that it will happen immediately. Since I have a lot of free time during this quarantine so Ill be spending my time either reading book series that I wasn't able to finish or updating/ editing my books. Anyway, Thank you all for supporting me and my book even though it is very shitty. I hope everyone is staying safe during these difficult times, love you all! 

Edited Monday 5/11/20 6:22 pm

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